Technology lessons for educational technology integration in the classroom. Content for teachers and students.

Coding, Scratch Alex Coding, Scratch Alex

Interactive presentations with Scratch

Scratch from MIT is a wonderful tool to teach coding through storytelling. I have a book available through Teacher Pay Teacher on the fundamentals. This lesson is an extension of that book.

The lesson here focuses on user interaction within the story. Stories are not the only thing created with Scratch. I like using it for research projects. I also like it for extension projects for core content.

Scratch with interactive dialogue for presentation projects

Scratch from MIT is a wonderful tool to teach coding through storytelling. I have a book available through Teacher Pay Teacher on the fundamentals. This lesson is an extension of that book.

The lesson here focuses on user interaction within the story. Stories are not the only thing created with Scratch. I like using it for research projects. I also like it for extension projects for core content.

In this lesson, we are focusing on a project dealing with marine life and the echo system.

This is just the start of the project. In the coming lessons, I will explore options for creating a full project. The specifics of the project will be up to you and your students.

This lesson begins in an aquarium with an underwater scene. The scene includes a diver with whom we will interact.

Use the links below to gather the resources for the lesson.

Download the project sprite and backdrop.

Setting the scene

Go to Scratch at and create a new project.

Set the name of the project to Alex’s Aquarium.

project title box

Click the create sprite button; choose the upload Sprite option.

upload sprite option

Select the diver sprite.

diver sprite selected

Select the Scratch Cat sprite; click the delete button.

delete cat sprite

Click the Backdrop button and select the option to upload a Backdrop.

upload backdrop option

Select the underwater scene image.

underwater scene selected

The Code

Select the diver Sprite.

diver sprite selected

Select the Code tab.

code tab

Go to the Events section; place the when Flag clicked block on the canvas.

green flag block on canvas

In our story, the diver is in an aquarium. His job is to provide information and tours to visitors. The diver spots us looking in the window and begins a conversation.

Get the Say code block for 2-seconds from the Looks section; attach it to the Flag block.

attach say block

Leave the message at Hello and change the time from 2 to 4 seconds.

say parameters

Place another Say block; set the text to “Welcome to Alex’s Aquarium”. Change the time to 4-seconds. All our time settings will be set to 4-seconds. This keeps things consistent.

say block with message

Add another Say block. The diver introduces himself to the visitor. Type “My name is Joel” for the message.

say block with message

It is only polite to ask for the visitor’s name. Place another Say block and ask for the visitor’s name.

say block with message

We need a way for the visitor to respond. Add another Say block. Set the message to—“I can’t hear you, so you need to type your name in the box below.”

say block and message

It’s time to provide the input box. Go to the Sensing section. Attach the Ask and Wait block.

ask block and question

Make sure the Ask block is prompting for the visitor’s name.

Let’s welcome the visitor.

Return to the Looks section; attach a Say block.

say message

We want to include the visitor’s name in our response.

Go to the Operators section. Find the Join block and place it in the Say parameter.

join code block

Type “Hello and welcome” into the left side of the Join block. Make sure to include a space after the word welcome. This prevents the joined words from running into each other.

join message

Go to the Sensing section; find the Answer variable. Drop it into the right side of the Join block. Remember to set the seconds to 4.

answer variable in join block

It's time to test our code and see what we have done up to this point. Click the green flag. The diver will proceed to display the messages in each code block. The last step prompts us for our name.

Type your name and press the Return key or click the checkmark.

response box in presentation

Let’s ask the visitor another question. This time we will look for a specific answer.

Attach a Say block; type “We offer free tours to all visitors.”

Attach an Ask block; type “Would you like to take the free tour?” into the block.

ask code block with question

We need to accept one of two responses–Yes or No. For this, we need a condition statement.

Attach an If…then…else code block from the Control section.

if…then…else code block

Place the equal operator from the Operator section into the If…then parameter.

equal operator

Place the Answer variable from the Sensing section into the left side of the Equal operator. Change the number 50 to the word yes. The answer is not case sensitive.

answer variable and qualifier

Place a Say block into the if section. Place this text into the Say parameter–“Great! We will begin in a moment.”

say block and message

Get another If…then…else block and place it into the else section of the first condition statement.

if…then…else block within else section

Right-click on the condition code block; select the duplicate option.

duplicate option

Drag the duplicate and place it within the Else section.

if…then…else block with else section

Change the Yes to a no. Change the message to read–“The tour is available all day if you change your mind.”

say block and message

We have responses for the two possible answers. We should supply a response if something other than Yes or No is entered.

Place a Say block into the Else section. Set the text to read—“I’m sorry. I didn’t understand. Please enter Yes or No.”

say block and message

Click the green flag and go through the program. Go through it once and enter Yes for the response. Go through it a second time and enter No. Go through it one more time and type anything other than yes or no.

If we enter anything other than yes or no–we are not prompted to respond again. We need to fix this and provide the visitor an opportunity to enter the correct response.

Disconnect the If…then…else main code block from the rest of the code.

detached blocks

Add a Repeat Until loop to the end of the Ask code.

repeat until code block

Insert the If…then…else code into the loop.

if…then…else code in loop

We want to repeat the opportunity to respond until a Yes or No is entered. Place an OR operator into the repeat loop parameter. This is known as a Boolean operator.

boolean operator

Place an Equal block in the left and right of the OR operator.

equal operator in boolean operator parameters

Place the Answer variable into the left side of both Equal operators. Place Yes for one Equal operation and No for the other.

This loop will repeat until one of the answers is Yes or No.

answer variable and qualifiers

There is one more thing we need to do. The question must be within the loop. Rearrange the blocks so the question is before the If…then…else condition.

ask block inside loop

Go through the program. Enter anything other than Yes or No for the answer. The answer box will appear again to enter the correct response. Enter Yes or No and the prompts will no longer appear.

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Scratch, Coding Alex Scratch, Coding Alex

Prepare images for Scratch code projects

This lesson covers a process for preparing graphics and images for use with the Scratch coding environment.

Scratch is limited to a specific resolution for images. This resolution I’m sure dates back to the early days of Scratch and the limitations of technology at the time. The resolution for all projects is set to 480 by 360 pixels or less. This is a low resolution compared to today’s standards.

prepare images for scratch code projects

This lesson covers a process for preparing graphics and images for use with the Scratch coding environment.

Scratch is an excellent coding tool developed and maintained by MIT. The goal of the project is to teach young children to code through storytelling.

Scratch includes some images to develop basic stories. The images include backgrounds and Sprites. Sprites are the interactive characters on the stage. The stage is usually represented with a background or Backdrop.

We have the option to include our images for backgrounds and Sprites.

Here is the reason for this lesson. Scratch is limited to a specific resolution for images. This resolution I’m sure dates back to the early days of Scratch and the limitations of technology at the time. The resolution for all projects is set to 480 by 360 pixels or less. This is a low resolution compared to today’s standards.

The Scratch Forum provides information about the image format and resolution. It doesn’t appear they are going to change the resolution any time soon. We can work with this resolution but we need to consider the images used in our product.

Scratch recommends using the PNG, Portable Network Graphic, image format. Another standard recommended is the SVG, Scalable Vector Graphics, image format. We can also use the standard JPEG image format. This is used by all digital cameras and smartphones.

Image formats

Bitmap images

The PNG and JPEG image format is a standard for images known as bitmaps. The images are made of fixed pixels. Each pixel is represented by values that represent the colors for that image part of the image.

Pixels are not a problem when we are using images with millions of pixels. They become a problem when they are 480 by 360. The image below shows an image at 480 by 360 pixels. The black border is part of my image capture process. Click the image to have it pop out into full 480 by 360 resolution. Looks fine.

The image below is of the same image but enlarged. I took a snapshot of the center part of the original image. The image isn’t as crisp.

The pixels in the image are set at 480 by 360. Enlarging the image is like looking at the image under a microscope. We see all the ugly details. Enlarging the image causes the image to look worse.

Vector images

The other format for use in Scratch is SVG. This image format uses math to represent images. The shapes of the images are not locked in by the size of the image. The image format is often referred to as Vector graphics. The images are lines that can be resized and reshaped without looking quality.

The SVG format is one of many formats. The standard formats used today include EPS, Encapsulated PostScript, and AI. The AI format is from Adobe’s Adobe Illustrator program. Other less common formats include EMF—Enhanced MetaFile and WMF—Windows MetaFile. These formats are typically used on Windows computers.

The image below is an SVG image at 480 by 360.

This is a section of the image at 2,400 by 1,800 pixels. The image quality in vector graphics remains high. This is our goal.

Does it matter?

Scratch is designed for children and storytelling. Children usually aren’t as picky about the images. They look past the low quality in the age of Mine Craft.

Still, I thought this would be one of those teachable moments for those that want to get better quality images in their Scratch products. It provides the opportunity to learn a few more things. A few more technology life skills.

Vector over bitmap

Vector image quality is much better on Scratch than JPG or PNG. Download the lesson images below. There is one image of each JPG, PNG, and SVG. The file downloads as a ZIP file with all the images inside.

Yellow Fish Images download

Go to the Scratch website, You don’t have to log into an account. This is just for demonstration purposes. Click the Create button.

Scratch create button

Close the tutorial if it appears.

close tutorial

Click the Add Sprite icon. Select the option to upload a Sprite from your computer.

upload sprite

Select the JPEG image.

select jpeg image

Click the Cat Sprite; click the hide button.

hide cat sprite

Click the Maximize button.

jpeg fish image

The JPEG image looks jaggedly and a little blurry. When an image looks like this, it is said to be pixelated.

closeup of image

Click the minimize button.

minimize button

Select the JPEG fish Sprite; click the Hide button.

hide jpeg image

Upload the PNG version; view the image full screen. The image might be less blurry, but it has jagged edges too.

png image up close

Minimize the image and hide the PNG image. Upload the SVG version and maximize the image. The quality of this image is much better.

SVG image up close

Exit full-screen mode; exit the project.

Vector image resources

There are several places on the Internet to get vector images. There are a couple that I prefer. I prefer these services because they have high-quality images. The image services are free.

More precisely, they are a freemium service. You can download about ten images a day. To download more a day you need to purchase a subscription. I have never needed to download more than 10 images a day.

Using images from these services for free comes with a stipulation. You must give credit to the service or artist in your published product.

The services I like to use are and They offer high-quality images and graphics.

The links below are for the images to be used in this lesson. We are downloading several images to demonstrate how to deal with different formats and image options.

Each link is accompanied by a separate link to the same resource. I don’t have control over the images on these sites. One day they may not be available. The second Lin downloads the same image resource from my Google Drive. You don’t need a Google account to download them.

Large fish download from Freepik

Large fish download from Google Drive

We begin with the first image from This is an image of a large fish. Use the link to see the fish preview and click the Download button.

download button

Click the green Free Download button.

free download button

Freepik provides an attribution link for the image. We are not publishing this image for the lesson so there is no need to copy the link at this time.

copy attribution

The image is downloaded to your computer in a compressed ZIP file. Your computer should extract the contents of the file as soon as it is downloaded. If not, you will need to double-click the ZIP file to extract the images and files.

zip file

Inside the folder, there are two images and a couple of text files. The text files contain information about the license for the image and attribution.

This image contains two image files. One is a standard JPEG; the other is an EPS file.

two image files and two text files

The EPS file needs to be converted for use in Scratch. I am not going to use a vector creation program like Adobe Illustrator. I will assume you don’t have one of these tools. I am also assuming your students don’t have access to this program on their computers. They are probably using a Chromebook.

We are using some free online tools. This makes it easier for teachers and students with Chromebooks and those that don’t have vector applications.

All we need to do is convert the file to the SVG format. I have links to three services. Each service is free. The services limit the number of files you can convert. I often bounce between the three services if I need to convert several files. I will cover the process for each service during the lesson.

Cloud Convert:



Use the Cloud Convert link. Click the Select file button.

select file button

Go to the image folder and select the EPS file.

EPS file selected

The file is placed into a conversion cue.

file in cue

Use the convert selector to see the vector image options; select the SVG format.

vector SVG format selection

Click the Convert button.

convert button

The file is uploaded and the conversion process begins. The process takes several seconds. I can also take a couple of minutes. It depends on how many conversions the site is working on at any moment.

progress information

A preview of the image appears when the conversion is complete. Click the Download button. Place the image inside the image folder downloaded from Freepik.

download button

Scratch fish sandbox

Go over to the Scratch website— Login and create a new project. Set the title of the project to Fish graphics.

project title box

Select the Cat Sprite; click the hide sprite button.

hide scratch sprite

Click the Add Sprite button; choose the upload option.

upload sprite

Go to the image folder and select the SVG file.

select SVG file

The fish is added to our project Sprite library.

sprite icon with fish image

Change the name of the Sprite to Drink-Fish.

name sprite field

Select the Costumes tab.

costumes tab

The image is too large. It doesn’t fit inside the Sprite canvas.

large fish image

Click on any part of the image. Parts of the image are selected separately from the complete image. The illustration is created with several layers of shapes. Each shape can be moved and modified. Don’t move any of the shapes! If you did, click the undo button.

selected shape on image

To resize the image, we need to gather all the shapes and place them in a container. We are grouping the shapes into one representation of the illustration.

The graphic tools in Scratch are basic. There is no tool to select everything on the canvas. We need to use our traditional computer shortcut keys. On Windows and Chromebook—press the key combination Control+A. On Mac—press Command+A.

all shapes selected

Click the Group button.

group button

Click the Zoom out button to see as much of the fish as possible.

zoom out button

Move the image down and to the right. Stop when you see the top left corner appear inside the dark gray checkerboard.

graphic bounding box

Use the corner handles to resize the image. Using the corner handles keeps the image aspect ratio and avoids distorting the image.

resize handle

Scratch places a center reference marker on the image. Use the marker to align it to the center of the Sprite canvas. The center of the Sprite canvas has a dark dray marker.

center mark on canvas

Place image marker atop the canvas marker.

aligned center marks

This Sprite is crisp and looks nice.

fish image on canvas

Multiple images

The first image was easy. Not all the images we want for a project are this easy. Let’s take a look at one with multiple images.

I like illustrations with multiple images. I get several images for a project from one illustration download.

Use the link below to download another illustration from Freepik. Click the Download button and open the ZIP file to reveal the folder with the images.

Sea animals download from Freepik

Sea animals download from Google Drive

This file contains an illustration with several fish images.

two image files and two text files

Use the link below to use the Convertio service.

Click the Choose Files icon.

choose files button

Select the EPS file.

EPS file selected

Select the SVG option from the vector section.

SVG option selected

Click the Convert button.

convert button

Click the Download button when the conversion is complete.

download button

Place the converted image in the folder with the other images. Return to the Scratch project and upload the image as a Sprite.

sprite with images

Click on the Drink Fish Sprite and hide it.

hide fish sprite

Click on the Sprite we uploaded and select the Costumes tab.

Not all the fish illustrations fit within the canvas. They are all there but we can’t see them because they are spread out over a wide area.

one large fish on sprite canvas

Use the keyboard combinations to select everything in the canvas area. The keys are Control+A on Windows and Chromebook; Command+A on Mac.

We see the outlines of the other fish illustrations.

outlines of other fish outside of sprite canvas

Click the Group button.

group icon

This illustration is much larger than the first example. You need to gradually move the grouped shapes down and to the right until the bounding corner appears.

You need to grab the illustrations to move the group. An empty area will not move the illustration.

images moved

Use the corner resize handle to make the illustration smaller. The illustration is so large you will run out of space.

resizing images

Drag the illustration up and onto the canvas to finish resizing.

moving grouped images

Make sure you can see all the images.

all images visible on canvas

Keep the illustration selected; click the Ungroup button.

ungroup button

Click away from the illustration to deselect the grouped animals. You can also press the ESC key on your keyboard.

illustrations on canvas

Click the Zoom-in button once; scroll to see the first fish in the upper left.

zoom in on illustration

Draw a selection box around the first fish only. Make sure not to include any part of another animal.

selection around black, yellow, and blue fish

Click the Group button; click the Copy button.

group button

Go to the Add sprite button; select the paint option.

paint sprite option

Click the Paste button.

paste button

Move the fish to the center of the canvas. Use the center reference mark to center the image.

illustration at center of canvas

Use the resize handles to make the illustration larger. Make sure it fills most of the canvas. The canvas is light gray area in the center.

illustration at center of canvas

Click on the Sprite with the collection of sea animals.

sprite with all animals

Go to the Costumes section; draw a selection around the crab illustration.

  1. Group the illustration.

  2. Click the Copy button.

  3. Create a new Sprite with the Paint option.

  4. Paste the illustration.

  5. Center and resize it on the canvas.

crab illustration

Repeat this process with all the fish illustrations. In the end, you will have nine more fish Sprites.

Use the project link below to see each of the sprites as they should appear in your project.

Hide the Sprites for the next part of the lesson.


The process is much the same for background images. Use the link below to download the next image from

Underwater background download from Freepik

Underwater background download from Google Drive

Download the illustration; unzip the file.

This illustration has four image files. One of the file types is for Adobe Illustrator. The EPS and AI files have two images embedded in the illustration. Artists might do this to conserve on the number of files distributed. The illustrations represent the same image in different sizes or aspect ratios.

image files and documents

We are going to use the Adobe Illustrator file this time. Use the link below to access Zamzar.

Use the Add Files button and select the AI file for upload.

add files button

Select SVG from the convert menu. Click the Convert Now button.

SVG file option

Zamzar offers three file download options. The first option will download both illustrations in one file. The other files represent each of the two illustrations. Download the first file to get both.

three download buttons

The illustrations are in a compressed file. Open the compressed files. Place the illustrations inside the folder. Return to the Scratch site. Click the Add Background button and choose Upload.

upload backdrop option

We are going to upload both files. Select the page 01 file and upload it first. Use the same process to upload the second illustration page.

The backgrounds are added to the Backdrops section. The tab opens after the image is uploaded.

both backdrop images

Click on the first backdrop we uploaded. This illustration is wider than it is tall. Scratch has trouble with illustrations that are not in the 4:3—four-by-three aspect ratio.

backdrop not displayed properly missing sections

Select the second illustration. This one is closer to the 4:3 ratio. It looks better than the first.

backdrop appearing complete

The first illustration isn’t usable. Select the illustration and click the Trash icon.

trash icon over backdrop icon

This illustration is like Sprite imports. It is a group of shapes and lines. Select all the shapes by using the shortcut keys; click the Group button.

The area outline with a white border represents the visible stage area. Resize the backdrop so most of it appears within the area.

arrow pointing to canvas bounding area

The background is ready for a nice ocean project.

Regular images

We can’t always find the image we want as an illustration. Sometimes we need to use a regular image. We will lose some detail when using regular images. There is a way to minimize the pixelation or detail loss.

We are going to use Google Drawings to resize and crop the image before importing. Scratch prefers background images in the 4:3 aspect ratio. Cropping the image to this size reduces the amount of some pixelation.

Use the link below to download the next image.

Underwater scene download from Freekpik

Underwater scene download from Google Drive

Create a new Google Drawing document. Use the link below to create one.

The Google Drawing canvas is already at the required 4:3 aspect ratio.

Go to the Insert menu option and select Upload from the computer.

upload from computer

Select the image to upload. The image needs to fill the drawing canvas. Use the corner handles to resize the image.

resizing image

The image is wider than the canvas. The part of the image that is off the canvas will be cut off during export. We need to control what is cut away.

Make sure the image is selected; click the Crop tool.

crop tool

Black crop handles appear around the image. They are in the same positions as the Resize handles.

corner crop handle

My image extends off the canvas on the right side. I need to grab the crop handle and move it toward the left.

left edge of canvas

A crop line follows the resize handle. Move the handle to the edge of the canvas. Use the ruler as a guide. The line will also snap to the edge of the canvas.

crop guide and ruler

The area that is slightly dimmed will be hidden on export. Part of the Clown fish’s tail will be cut away along with the nice reef. We don’t want this to happen.

edge of cropped section

Click and drag the image to the left. It’s a little hard to see but the right edge of the image is moving to the left. The red horizontal line is the vertical center alignment guide. Use the guide to keep the image centered vertically.

edge of image outside of crop area

Moving the image with the mouse in crop mode doesn’t give much feedback when moving. Use the Left or Right keys on your keyboard to move the image left or right.

The arrow keys jump the image about five pixels at a time. You can get finer movement by holding the Shift key while using the left and right arrow keys.

Move the image to the left so the right edge of the image is on the canvas. Press the ESC key to exit Crop mode.

image at edge of crop

Click File; go to Downloads and select PNG image.

download options

Switch over to Scratch and upload this image as a Backdrop.

backdrop in scratch

Transparent backgrounds

I’m not talking about images that are transparent. I’m talking about images of an object without a background.

When creating projects we might need an image of an object or person without the surrounding background. The image below is an example. The gray and white squares around the turtle represent the transparent part of the image.

The latest online technologies and services make the process of removing backgrounds from objects simple.

image with transparent background

Use the link below to download the next image.

Underwater turtle download from Freekpik

Underwater turtle download from Google Drive

The image is of a Sea Turtle. It is the only object in the image. There is a lot of contrast between the turtle and the background. This is key to getting good results.

sea turtle in water

There are a couple of sites I use to remove backgrounds from images. The links are available below.

Use the link to access Click the Upload image button; select the image.

upload image button

The process begins almost immediately. The original and processed images are shown side by side.

image with background removed alongside original

Use the crop handles to crop away unwanted empty background.

crop handles around sea turtle

Click the Download button. Click the Download in Low-Resolution button.

low resolution download button

Upload this image to the Scratch project as a Sprite. The turtle is over the backdrop and looks like it is part of the underwater scene.

sea turtle with transparent background on scratch underwater backdrop

Student images

We want our students to be part of the storytelling project. Adding students to a project is just as easy. Use the link below to download an image of this student with a graduation cap.

Student image download from

Student image download from Google Drive

student with graduation cap

Open another tab and go to; upload the image. Download the image and add it to your project as a Sprite.

Use the link below to see how I combined the image with a backdrop.

One more example

We don’t need to download images from a web service. We have nice high-quality cameras on our phones. Use the camera to take pictures of students or props to use in the story.

Our cameras take good high-resolution images. These images are often too large for the online background remover to process. The limit for is 12MB.

Here is a freemium online tool that will help us reprocess the image. Reprocessing the image will reduce the file size without reducing quality. While we are on the site we will crop the image to focus our attention on the student.

Use the link below to download the next image.

Student image download from

Student image download from Google Drive

girl with magnifying glass and books

The file size for this image is over 13MB.

image file size 13.4 MB

Open a tab and go to This is a freemium online photo editor. The free services are all we need for this example.

On the site, you can log in with a Google, Facebook, or email account. We don’t need to login for this example. I encourage you to create an account and login. This will save your work.

Click the Create button. Click the Get Started button if you didn’t create an account or log in.

create button

Select the Photo editor option.

photo editor option select

Click the Open option and select open from the computer.

open image from computer option

Select the image we just downloaded. The image opens in an editor. We don’t need to do anything special. All we do is save the image. Click Save and select Computer.

save to computer option

The estimated size for the image is now 1.6 MB. Don’t download the image yet.

image save size information

Let’s modify the image before we save it. Click the Cancel button.

Click the Crop tool

crop tool

Use the corner handles of the Crop box to cut away a lot of the background.

crop corner handles

Crop the image so the focus is on the little girl.

image crop around girl

Click the Check button to apply the crop.

apply crop check button

Click the Save button and save the image to your computer.

Go to the background removal website— Upload the image and remove the background. Download the image and add it to your project as a Sprite.

Use the link below to see this image used with a backdrop. The backdrop is another image from

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Robotics, Coding Alex Robotics, Coding Alex

While Loop on mBot

In this lesson, you will learn how to use a loop to accelerate and decelerate. Loops are an important part of developing autonomous programs. The purpose of a robot is to perform a series of tasks. Most tasks are specific to a particular objective. Many tasks include repetitive operations. Robots can perform repetitive tasks all day long.

while loops mBot coding

In this lesson, you will learn how to use a loop to accelerate and decelerate. Loops are an important part of developing autonomous programs. The purpose of a robot is to perform a series of tasks. Most tasks are specific to a particular objective. Many tasks include repetitive operations. Robots can perform repetitive tasks all day long.

This lesson will cover a simple task. The robot will gradually accelerate to its top speed; it will then reduce speed to a full stop.

We will be using the remote to start and control the process.

The link to the finished code is available below.

We are building the program with the basic building blocks that are particular to this task. The aim is to show you how programmers develop programs. Programmers build and test parts of the program as they go. The program evolves to become the completed product. Testing is important during the development process.

The online version of the mBlock coding environment is at

Building the program

Open the mBlock application. Click inside the project name field and set the name to accelerate-decelerate. Click the Save button.

file name save button

Go to the Devices section and click the Add button.

add devices button

Select the mBot library; click the OK button.

mBot library selection

We can set the mBot library to be loaded each time we create a new project. Click the Star icon. The mBot library will load each time a new project is created.

selected to mostly used devices

Delete other Device libraries. This prevents us from accidentally selecting code blocks that don’t work with the mBot.

delete other device library

We want the robot to move forward and accelerate. The process begins when the Up button on the remote is pressed.

Go to the Control functions section and place an **if…then** code block on the canvas.

if…then code block

Go to the Sensing section and get the **IR remote pressed** code. Place it into the **if…then** parameter.

remote code block

Choose the **Up** option from the button selector.

button selection option

We want the robot to slowly accelerate when the Up button is pressed. To perform the acceleration process we need to use a loop. We want the loop to repeat until it reaches the maximum velocity.

We don't know the robot's velocity. We only know the amount of energy applied to the robot motors. The energy is supplied by the batteries. The batteries supply current to the robot's controller and the motors.

The energy we supply to the robot's motors is like the gas pedal on a car. We supply fuel to the engine and the engine, in turn, uses the fuel to propel the car forward. A speedometer in the car lets us know how fast we are going.

The robot does not have a speedometer, so it's like driving a car without a speedometer. We don't know how fast the robot is traveling. We can take some measurements and perform a bit of math to know the robot's acceleration and velocity.

There are three loop options we could use. We are using the repeat **until loop**. We are using this loop because we want the robot to accelerate **until** it receives the maximum amount of energy available.

Go to the Control section. Place a **repeat until** loop within the **if…then** condition.

repeat until loop

Go to the Action section. Place the **move forward at power** code block inside the loop.

move forward code

We need a way to increase the power applied to the motors. The power applied to the motors is based on a percentage of the available battery power. The current value in the move forward code is constant. It doesn't change while the program is running. To update the percentage, we need a variable.

Go to the Variables section; click the **Make a Variable** button.

make a variable

Use **Power** for the variable name. Select the option to use this variable for this sprite only. Click the OK button.

variable block and OK button

Grab the Power variable.

power variable

Place the variable into the Power parameter.

variable in parameter

The variable accepts input from several sources. Attach the **set Power** code to the beginning; before the **if…then** code.

It is recommended to initialize variables before they are used. This block is not in the loop because it sets the initial value of the power before it is changed. The initial value is set to zero.

power variable set to zero

Place the Change Power code inside the loop and above the Move forward code. This code, increases, the value of the power applied to the motors. The value for the power ranges from 0 to 100 percent. The power can be increased by any increment we want. The increment determines the rate of acceleration. Small increments result in slow acceleration. Large increments result in a fast acceleration.

change power code block

Let’s begin with an increment of 10 percent. Place 10 inside the parameter.

change power by value

This will repeat until the robot reaches a maximum of 100 percent. The loop needs a condition. The condition informs the loop when it is time to stop looping.

Go to the Operators section. Look for the **Equal to** operator. This is an evaluation operator. It evaluates if something is equal to something else. This isn't like the equal sign in traditional math. This sign looks to see if two or more values are the same.

equal to operator

Place the evaluation operator inside the repeat parameter.

evaluation operator

Go to the Variables section. Place the Power variable inside the left side of the evaluation.

power variable in operator

Change the value from 50 to 100.

value set to 100

This is a good place to stop and test what we have done. The robot is going to be moving, so we need to make sure it stops at the end of the loop. Go to the Actions section; place the Stop moving code at the end of the if..then code.

stop moving code block

Connect the robot to the computer and turn the robot On. Click the Connect button. Select the port for your robot and complete the connection.

connection button

Click the Upload button.

upload button

Go to the Events section. Attach the When mBot starts up code to the beginning.

mbot start up

Click the Upload button.

upload button

Disconnect the robot and place it on the ground. Please, don’t do this on a table or desk.

Press the Up arrow on the remote.

**Nothing is happening!**

Sorry, I set this up as our first bug in the code. I often make this mistake.

It also provides a teachable moment.

Code that is waiting for input from a user needs to be placed in a Loop. This forces the code to keep checking for input.

Connect the robot back to your computer. Detach the if…then code from the set power code.

disconnect code

Get the Forever loop from the Control section and attach it below the Set Power code.

forever loop

Take the If…Then combined code blocks and place them within the Forever loop.

insert if then look

We can upload this code to the robot and the robot will receive the command from the remote. The robot will power up and move forward. You will see it move away at the fastest speed. It won’t perform a gradual acceleration. This introduces another bug.

The controller processes the instructions very fast. The processor on the controller is not as fast as the one on your typical computer. It is still fast. It processes information at 16 MHz. That is 16 Mega-Hertz or 16 million instructions per second!

The processor increases the speed so fast that it reaches 100 percent almost instantly. We need to slow things down.

Go to the Control section and place a Wait 1-second delay after the Move forward code. With the code, the robot will move forward at a certain Power for One Second. The Power will increase to the next level and the robot will move at that Power level for One Second. It will repeat this process until the power level reaches 100 percent.

wait code block

The robot is set to accelerate until it reaches 100 percent of the available power. It will keep going unless we do something to slow it down or stop it. Give it a try. No bugs this time.

Not on the table or desk!

Let’s slow the robot and bring it back to a stop after accelerating. The next process is to decelerate the robot. The code to do this is almost identical to the code for acceleration.

Move your mouse pointer over the Repeat until code. Right-click on the code; select duplicate.

duplicate option

The duplicate code attaches itself to the mouse pointer. Move the pointer to the end of the **Repeat until** code. Wait for the code blocks to separate; release the code. The code must be right after the first repeat until code.

another repeat until code block

The second code will repeat the loop until the Power level is zero. Place the number 0 into the comparison operator for Power.

zero in operator

We need to decrease the power supplied to the robot through each cycle. Change the positive 10 increments with negative 10, -10.

power value

That is all we need to do. The robot will accelerate up until it reaches 100 percent of the available power. It will then begin to decelerate until no more power is sent to the motors.

Some lights

I like to add some visuals to my robot code. It provides feedback, so I can see at what stage of the code the robot is operating.

Go to the Show section. Get the **LED all** code. Attach it to the first repeat until loop at the beginning.

LED code

Click the color selector and move the color slider; choose green. When the LEDs are green, I know the robot is in the acceleration loop.

color selector

Add an LED code block to the second repeat loop. Place it in the same position. Leave the color set to red. When the LEDs are red, I know the robot is in the deceleration loop.

another LED code

Place one last LED code block outside the second repeat loop. Select the color picker; move the brightness slider to the left. This turns the LEDs off.

brightness slider

Upload the code to the robot. Place the robot on the floor and press the Up arrow on the remote.

The program is in a loop. Press the Up arrow when the robot stops to repeat the process.

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Robotics Alex Robotics Alex

Basic Navigation with mBot and the remote

In this lesson, we are covering the fundamentals for controlling the mBot with the remote. We will cover the button options for driving the robot around. The mBot robot from Makeblock is a good STEM tool. The robot is a motorized vehicle with basic motor controls and sensors. The controller has several sensors, LEDs, and a small speaker.

MBot remote basics navigation

The mBot robot from Makeblock is a good STEM tool. The robot is a motorized vehicle with basic motor controls and sensors. The controller has several sensors, LEDs, and a small speaker. There are plenty of things we can do with this robot. One fun option is to drive the robot around. The kit comes with a remote.

In this lesson, we are covering the fundamentals for controlling the mBot with the remote. We will cover the button options for driving the robot around.

Connect the mBot to your computer with a USB cable. Open the mBlock application or use the online version at Click on the untitled name box.

project title field

Set the name to Drive with remote.

project file name and title

Click the Save button.

save button pressed

Login with your account information.

account login fields

Go to the Devices section; click the Add button.

add button for device library

Select the mBot device library.

mBot library

Return to the Devices section; remove any other device libraries. This avoids conflicts with other libraries that don’t work with the mBot.

remove other device library

Go to the Control functions section; place an if…then…else block onto the canvas. An if…then…else code block checks if something is true or false.

if…then…else code block on canvas

Go to the Sensing functions section; place the IR remote pressed block into the if…then parameter. This is the parameter used to check if it is True or False; if the button is pressed or not.

remote code block

Use the button selector and choose the Up button.

code block up option

Go to the Action functions section; place the move **forward at power** block into the Then space. If the button pressed is the Up button, True, then the robot will move forward at 50% power.

move code block

We need to provide instructions if another button is pressed. This requires another code block to evaluate the press of another button. Go to the Control functions. Place an **if…then…else** block inside the **Else** area of the other **if…then…else** block.

if…then…else code block

Place an **IR remote** block from the Sensing functions inside the if…then parameter.

code block in parameter

Change the button pressed; select the down button.

down option selected

Place a **Move forward at power** into the **If…then** section.

move forward code

Click the Move forward selector and choose the move backward option.

move backward option

Place and **if…then…else** code block into the else portion of the previous code block.

if…then…else code block

Place the IR remote code into the **if…then** parameter. Select the Left button option.

IR remote code

Place the **Move forward** code block into the **if…then** section of the code. Use the Turn left option for the motion.

code and selected options

Place an **if…then…else** code within the else portion of the previous code. Place an **IR remote** code in the if…then parameter and select Right for the button option. Place a **Move forward** code block into the if…then section of the code; choose right for the motion parameter.

applied code block

We are done with all the basic motion options.

The Loop

The robot controller needs to keep checking for a button to be pressed on the remote. We need to place these condition statements inside a loop.

Go to the Control functions section; find the Forever loop code.

Forever loop

Move the Forever loop over the condition code blocks. Move it toward the beginning of the code. We want the code to wrap around all the condition code blocks. Look for a gray shadow of the Forever block to wrap itself around the condition code. Release the block when the shadow appears.

code block shadow

The Forever loop must be wrapped around all the condition code blocks.

forever loop around condition code blocks

We are done with the code. Make sure the robot is connected to the computer and turned On.

Click the Upload button.

upload button

Go to the Events functions. **When mBot starts up** block should be the only one available for selection.

mbot event block

Attach the **When mBot starts up** code to the beginning.

mBot event block attached

Click the Connect button.

connect button

Select the communication port for your robot and connect.

robot connection port on Mac

Click the Upload button.

upload button

Wait for the code to upload to the robot controller. Place the robot on the floor. Press the Up button to move forward. Press the Left or Right buttons. Press the Down button.

Go and play for a while. I'll be here when you are ready for the next part.

The robot moves in the direction the button is pressed until another button is pressed. This is fine but it may lead to some crashes. It also makes it difficult to place on a table when we need to update the code.

Turn the robot Off for now and connect it to your computer.

Go to the Action functions; add the Stop moving code to the Else portion of the last condition code block.

stop code block attached

This code block will stop the robot from traveling endlessly. It will stop if none of the required buttons is pressed.

Hold the robot in one hand or have a partner hold the robot. You can also place the robot upside down if it has a protective case around the controller. Turn the robot On.

Click the Connect button. Select the communication port. Upload the updated code.

Place the robot back on the floor. Press and hold the Up button. Release the button and the robot will stop moving. Press and hold any of the direction buttons. The robot moves only while one of the required buttons is pressed.

This option makes it easier to navigate and control the robot’s movements.

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Google Alex Google Alex

Fundraising goal thermometer graphic with Google Sheets

Fundraiser thermometer graphic with Google Sheets. We are using Google Sheets to create our fundraiser thermometer. The sheet will display daily updated totals on the web. The thermometer will be dynamic with changing colors and updated information.

fundraising goal thermometer with Google Sheets

Fundraisers are part of many organizations. In education, we have fundraisers for a variety of needs. A class or a select group of students is usually charged with updating the goal chart with the latest totals. This chart is often placed in a prominent location.

There are several online services and apps built to help track and display a fundraiser thermometer. Many of these services are free and offer basic services.

We are using Google Sheets to create our fundraiser thermometer. The sheet will display daily updated totals on the web. The thermometer will be dynamic with changing colors and updated information.

Use the links below to see a preview of the final chart and to get a link to the working document.

Fundraiser thermometer preview

Google Sheet working document

Fundraiser thermometer chart

Open the Google Sheet working document. The top of the spreadsheet has a title or the goal for the fundraiser. There is a box with information about the fundraiser on the left. The fundraiser goal for this example is $5,000.

The chart will use percentages to represent our progress. The percentage is based on the total collected and the goal. Place $100.00 in the collection cell.

collection value of 100

Click the currency button to convert the collection into dollars—use the currency for your part of the world.

currency format button

Select the cell to the right of the percent label; enter the formula below.


This formula divides the collected amount by the goal amount; it calculates the percentage. Leave the calculated percent as a decimal; we will format the percentage later.

formula in cell

Some of the cells in the template are merged to provide formatting. Select the merged cells G27-28. They are at the bottom of the chart.

These grouped cells will display the current percentage as it relates to the colored section of the thermometer.

selected cells

Type the expression below into the merged cells.


The expression uses the IF function. The function evaluates if something is True. The function needs three parameters. Each parameter is separated by a comma. The first parameter evaluates if something is True. The second parameter applies a value to the cell if the evaluation is True. The third parameter applies a value if the evaluation is False. The function reads like this—If…Then…Else.

This is what it evaluates; if the value in cell K11 is less than or equal to 0.1, 10-percent, it will display the contents of cell K11. If the value is not greater than or equal to 0.1, it will display nothing; designated by the empty quotes.

expression in cell

Press the Return key. The decimal value appears in the cell.

decimal value in cell

Go to the button bar; click the Percent format button.

percent format button

Click the decrease decimal place value twice to eliminate the decimals.

decrease decimal button

The amount collected stands at 2-percent.

two percent

Go to the collection cell; enter $600.00. The percentage collected is now 0.12.

600 in collection cell

The percentage disappears in the cell. This is what we want to happen. We don’t need to display the percentage for this part of the chart once the value is greater than 10-percent.

empty percent cell

Select the cells above—G25-26. Enter the expression below.


This expression includes the AND function. The function evaluates two expressions to determine if they are both True. Each expression is separated by a comma.

The cell references include dollar symbols before the letter and number. The dollar symbols are used to lock the cell reference. This is called an absolute cell reference. It is a good idea to lock the cell reference if we plan to copy a formula or expression. We will copy this expression to the cells above later.

This is how the expression reads. If the value in cell K11 is greater than 0.1 AND less-than-or-equal-to .2; apply the value in cell K11; else leave the cell blank.

expression in cell

We have now collected 12-percent. Click the decrease decimal button twice to remove the place values.

12 percent in cell

We are going to use this expression up to the 90-percent indicator. This will save lots of typing and possible errors. Make sure the cell is selected. Copy the cell contents. Go to the grouped cells above and paste.

pasted expression in cell

Double-click the cell to enter edit mode.

cell contents in edit mode

Change the value 0.1 to 0.2; change the value 0.2 to 0.3. Press the Return key. Update the amount collected to $1,200.00. We have now collected 24-percent.

24-percent displayed in cell

Copy and paste the expression in this cell onto the cell above. Change the value 0.2 to 0.3; change the value 0.3 to 0.4.

updated expression in cell

Change the collected value to $1,600.00.

updated percent in cell

Repeat this process for the rest of the cells up to 90-percent.

88 percent in cells G11-12

The final chart indicator has a slight modification to the expression. Enter the expression below.


cell with expression

Change the amount collected to $4,600.00. Reduce the decimal place values.

updated percentage for last indicator

Color indicators

Return to the bottom of the chart. Select cells F27-28.

cells selected

Go to the menu and click Format. Choose Conditional formatting from the list of options.

select conditional formatting

The conditional formatting panel shows the selected cells that will be formatted.

selected cells in format panel

Cells are formatted with background colors or type styles based on rules. The default rule applies the default style—green. The selected cell is empty so no color is applied.

formatting rule and default color

We want the first grouped cells to change color if the amount collected is greater than zero percent.

Click the formatting rules selector; select the Greater than rule.

greater than rule selected

We need to provide a value for the rule to use for comparison; enter the number zero.

number 0 entered into value field

Nothing is happening. This is because the formatting rule looks for the value to be in the selected cells. The cells in the chart are not going to have a percentage. The percentage is in cell K11. It is also in the adjacent cell we formatted earlier.

We need to refer to the value in cell K11 for the formatting to work. We need to use a separate rule.

Click the rule selector and choose Custom formula.

custom formula selected

Erase the zero and enter the expression below.


expression in formula box

The cell's background color is formatted with the default green.

formatted cells

Click the cell background color selector.

background color selector in format panel

Select dark red 1 or any color you want.

color selected in palette

Click the Done button.

done button

Select the cells above the formatted cells.

cells selected

Go to the conditional format rules panel; click the Add another rule button.

add another rule option

Select the Custom formula rule. Enter the expression shown below into the formula box.


formatting rule and expression

Change the cell background color to dark red 1; click the Done button.

color selected and done button

The first and second groups cells are now formatted.

formatted cells

Select the grouped cells above. Add another formatting rule. Choose the custom formula rule. Enter =K11\>0.2 in the formula box. Change the background color and click Done. Repeat this process for the remainder of the cells.

top chart cells formatted

Close the conditional formatting rule panel.

close panel button

Change the amount collected to different values to see how the chart updates.

chart with 2,300 collected and 46 percent

We don’t need to show the percentage value below the amount collected cell. That is already shown on the chart. Select the percent label and the value.

selected cells

Click the Text color button and choose white.

text color button and white selected

The percentage is still there—because we need it—but not visible.

percentage not visible

Final touches

We need one more item to make the thermometer chart complete. The chart needs to resemble a thermometer.

Go to the menu and click Insert; select Drawing.

Insert drawing menu option

Click the shapes selector and select the Chord tool.

chord tool selected

Click once in the center of the canvas.

chord chape

The chord has yellow handles to change the width and angle of the chord. Click and drag the top handle to the left. Release the handle when it is opposite from the top left resize handle.

left chord moved

Move the right chord handle so it is opposite the left chord handle. The chord should be horizontal.

right chord handle moved

Select dark red 1 from the color fill tool.

dark red 1 selected in palette

Click the Save and Close button.

save and close button

The drawing is placed somewhere in the spreadsheet.

drawing over information text

Move the shape to the bottom of the chart.

drawing at bottom of chart

Use the resize handles to reshape the drawing. Reshape it until it resembles the bottom of a thermometer.

reshaped drawing

Publish the chart

Click View and select the Gridlines option. This hides the sheet gridlines.

gridlines option

Click the Share button.

share button

Click the link that reads Change to anyone with the link.

change permission link

Make sure the link is available to anyone on the Internet. Click the copy link button.

document link

Open a new browser tab; paste the link into the tab. Don’t press the Return key yet.

new tab with link in address bar

Edit the end of the link. Find the word edit at the end of the link.

link edit portion

Replace the word edit and everything after it with the word preview. Press the Return key to load the sheet.

updated link

Use this link to share with anyone interested in your fundraising efforts.

published fundraiser chart

The drawing has a box around it. This appears to be an issue with published drawings in Google Sheets.

Return to the tab with the working Sheet; update the collection amount.

working sheet

Return to the published sheet to view the updated chart.

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Google Alex Google Alex

Box Plot Charts with Google Drawings

In this lesson, we are creating a Box plot chart. Google Sheets does not have a tool to create a Box plot chart, so we will create our box plot using Google Drawings. We will begin with Google Sheets to collect and organize the information.

Box and Whisker plots with Google Drawings

In this lesson, we are creating a Box plot chart. Google Sheets does not have a tool to create a Box plot chart, so we will create our box plot using Google Drawings. We will begin with Google Sheets to collect and organize the information.

The chart for this lesson is based on data collected from a paper airplane lesson. Students had a flight distance contest. The distances are measured and rounded to the nearest foot. The worksheet with the data is available in the link below. There is also a link to the finished product.

Box plot final document preview

Box plot chart working document

Box plot Drawing working document

Box plots

Box plots are used in statistics to visualize data. They show the lowest and highest data points. They show us the median value for all the collected data. It also shows us the median for the values that are below and above the median. These points are called quartiles.

The data is spread into four groups. Each quartile contains 25-percent of the total data. Representing the data with a box plot helps answer several questions about the data. We will explore questions and answers at the end of the lesson.

The Google Sheet contains the data from an airplane contest; 30 students participated; the measurements are in feet. These measurements are an average of three trial runs for each team. Each measurement is rounded to the nearest foot.

data from flight contest

We need to pull some information from the data to create the box plot. First, we need the low and high values in the range. We also need the first and third quartile values. I provided a small table to organize the information.

Enter the number 10 under the title for Low and 30 under the title for High.

low and high ranges

Let's begin with the second median for all the data. There are 30 measurements. Count 15 measurements down. At the 15th measurement, we have 21-feet. We also have 21-feet on the 16th measurement. Both values represent the median. We average the values and get a median of 21-feet. Enter 21 for the second quartile. I'll refer to this as the second quartile to avoid confusion.

*If the values had been 15 and 21 we would add them together and divide by two. This would have given a median of 18.*

second quartile value

The first quartile is the median value for the measurements between the lowest value and the overall median. There are fifteen measurements from the lowest number to the median. Count eight measurements from the beginning. The median value is 15. This measurement falls right in the middle so we don’t need to average.

first quartile value

Enter 15 for the first quartile.

first quartile value

The third quartile is the median value between the second quartile and the highest measurement. Count eight measurements from the second quartile. The median value is 27.

third quartile value

Enter 27 for the third quartile. We have the values needed to create the box plot.

third quartile value

The Drawing document from my template includes a solid line across the center of the canvas.

google drawing template with a solid line

The drawing template also includes the values from the table and an image.

table and image

Click the text box button.

text box button

Click once above the black line.

text box above black line

Stretch the left side of the box to the edge of the canvas.

text box left side at edge of canvas

Repeat the process for the right side of the text box.

right side of text box with right edge of canvas

The text box is for the number range. Double-click inside the text box; type the number 0; press the Tab key and type the number 2. We use the tab key to space the numbers across the text box.

numbers entered into the text box

Repeat the process to enter even numbers from 0 to 30.

even numbers to 30

Click the justification button; center the text.

center alignment option

Move the text box below the black line. Use the alignment guides to center the box along the black line. Make sure the top of the text box is lined up along the black line.

text box agains black line and centered

Click the shape selector and choose the rectangle tool.

rectangle tool selected

Click once above the number line.

square shape

Move the box over the number line. Place the left edge of the box halfway between 14 and 16. This is the location of the first quartile.

box moved into position

Stretch the right side of the box halfway between 20 and 22. This is the location of the second quartile.

right edge of box stretched

Go back to the shapes selector. Choose the rectangle shape again. Place the shape above the canvas like the previous shape. Move the square to the right of the rectangle. Align the left edge of the square with the right edge of the first rectangle.

square aligned to right of rectangle

Stretch the right side of the shape so it lines up with the value for the third quartile—27.

right side of shape aligned to 27 on the number line

Go to the line selector; select the line tool.

line tool selected

Position the line tool to the left side of the first rectangle. Purple dots appear along the edges of the rectangle. These are connectors for lines.

purple connectors

Click on the left dot; move the left side of the line above the number 10. Hold the Shift key to maintain a straight line.

line drawn from box

Repeat the process for the right side of the second shape. Extend the line to the number 30. These lines are called the Whiskers. This chart is sometimes referred to as the Box and Whisker plot.

line drawn from shape

Click the text box tool. Place a text box on the canvas. Enter the number 15. Resize the text box; place it over the left edge of the first rectangle.

first quartile in text box

Place a text box with the number 21 between the boxes where they meet.

second quartile in text box

Repeat the process for the third quartile.

third quartile in text box

Use text boxes to mark the lowest and highest values at the end of the whiskers.

low and high values in text boxes

Click on the table—make sure the border appears around the table—press the delete key.

table selected

Insert a text box for the chart title. Set the font size to 38 points. Center the text box at the top of the canvas.

title text box

Move the image onto the canvas. Align it to the top-right edge.

image on canvas edge

Stretch the image so it covers the canvas.

image over canvas

The image is wider than the canvas. We need to crop the image. Click the crop tool.

crop tool

Drag the crop edge toward the black line. Stop when the alignment guides appear to mark the edge of the canvas. Press the Escape key to release the crop tool.

canvas resized

Adjust the color of the boxes to help them stand out against the image background. I changed mine to light green.

complete box plot

One more thing before we are done. Select the left Whisker.

left whisker selected

Use the line endpoint selector; select the round endpoint.

filled circle endpoint

Repeat the process for the right Whisker.

right whisker with endpoint

Box plot interpretation

This box plot represents a normal distribution; like the normal distribution curve. The low and high values are distributed evenly from the center.

Other box plots include those where the median is closer to one end of the quartiles. When the second quartile is close to the first quartile it is called a box plot with a positive skew. Most of the values are on the right side.

box plot with a positive skew

Box plots with the median close to the third quartile have a negative skew. Most of the values are to the left of the second quartile.

box plot with a negative skew

Here are some basic questions we can ask about the box plot.

1. What percent of the planes landed beyond 21 feet?

2. All of the planes landed within 30 feet. (T/F)

3. 50 percent of the planes landed less than 21 feet from the start. (T/F)

4. What is the Inter Quartile Range?

5. Any plane landing beyond 30 feet is an outlier. (T/F)

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Google Alex Google Alex

Histogram charts with Google Sheets

Create histograms with Google Sheets. Histograms are used in statistics. They are used to show the frequency of a set of continuous data. Numerical data can be discrete or continuous. Discrete data is counted. Continuous data is measured. Examples of discrete data include the number of students in a class or the number of faces on a die. Continuous data can take any value. Examples of continuous data include a person’s height or weight.

Histogram charts with Google Sheets


Histograms are used in statistics. They are used to show the frequency of a set of continuous data. Numerical data can be discrete or continuous. Discrete data is counted. Continuous data is measured. Examples of discrete data include the number of students in a class or the number of faces on a die. Continuous data can take any value. Examples of continuous data include a person’s height or weight.

The data used in the lesson is from a paper airplane contest. I love paper airplane contents; they involve all sorts of learning opportunities. The contest has one variable—a basic airplane design. The goal is to fly the farthest distance from a starting line.

The distances in this scenario are rounded to the nearest foot. Any plane landing 6-inches or above the nearest foot is rounded up. For example, a plane landing at 10-feet 7-inches is rounded to 11 feet. A plane landing 10-feet 5-inches is rounded to 10 feet.


Use the links below to get a copy of the working document and previews of the final product.

Airplane contest histogram preview

Airplane contest working document


To understand the concepts in the rest of this lesson, we need to understand how to prepare the data for a histogram. The sheet in the working document has a list of students and their attempts. The measurements are not in any order.

data from flight contest

The data has a range. The range is the difference between the smallest and largest measurement. The smallest distance is 10-feet; the largest is 30-feet. We subtract these distances to get a range of 20-feet. This information is used to determine the range for each bar in the histogram. The range is the number of measurements held in each bin.

The bars in a histogram are called bins or buckets. The terms are descriptive of what they do. They are bins or buckets that hold content.

We are creating a histogram with five buckets. Five buckets tend to be the typical histogram format. It works well for our information because there isn't much of it.

Take the range and divide it by the number of buckets we want—(30-10)/5. This results in a range width for each bucket of 5. We want five buckets and it so happens that the range of each bucket is also 5.

This is how we construct the bucket ranges and frequencies. We begin with the smallest value; that value is 10. *We don’t want our buckets to begin with the value they are recording; you will see why this is important later.* To make sure this doesn’t happen we subtract .5 from the smallest value and add .5 to the largest value.

Bucket table

We make a table with a range of information. Look at the image below. The smallest value is 10 and we subtract .5 to get 9.5 for the starting value. We calculated each bucket range to be 5; we add 5 to 9.5 and get 14.5. The next range begins at 14.5 and we add 5. The next range is from 14.5 to 19.5.

We repeat this process until we have five buckets.

bin ranges table

The information that goes into these buckets is the frequencies or the number of times a value falls within each bucket. In other words; how many times does a distance fall within the values of one of these ranges.

The table below shows that 7 distances fall between 9.5 and 14.5. Five distances fall between 14.5 and 19.5. We continue counting until all the distances are accounted for in each bin.

bin frequencies

The histogram we will create needs to represent the information shown in the table.

Google Sheet histogram

We need the raw values for each distance. Histograms are created with one column of data.

chart data

Select the values; you can include the names. The names won’t part of the histogram chart.

selected chart data

Click the insert chart button.

insert chart button

Google thinks I want to create a line chart.

chart editor setup

Click the chart selector; scroll to the bottom of the options; select the histogram chart.

histogram chart selected

The histogram looks very good. It creates a good basic chart. The titles come from the titles above the chart data. We will adjust these later.

inserted histogram

The Chart editor panel opens on the right. The panel has several sections. Click the Histogram section. The histogram options are basic. The number of buckets is selected for us. The chart shows the data is divided into five buckets or bins. Place a checkmark on the Show item dividers. This helps count the items in each bin. This will help us throughout the lesson.

basic histogram options

The bucket selector has options for 1, 2, 5, 10, 25, and 50. These are the common bucket options.

bucket options selector

Open the Horizontal axis section. The minimum and maximum values are set from the data. The range of values falls onto the data points. This is not standard. This results in errors like the one in this chart. Let's take a look.

We have buckets with values from 10 to 15, 15 to 20, 20 to 25, 25 to 30, and 30 to 35. The bucket for the range of 30 to 35 shows two values. These are the values from the two 30-foot measurements. Our data doesn't have any values above 30. This is misleading information. The issue with ranges will pop up again later.

Let’s update the range.

histogram range

Update the minimum and maximum values. Use 10 for the minimum value and 30 for the max.

adjusted min and max values

The chart updates the bucket values. We still have the five buckets. The distribution of data has changed. The counts for each bucket are 7, 4,6,4, and 7. These don't match the ones from the table we created in the Sheet.

histogram bin range values

The bucket ranges are still misleading. Let's take a look at the count for the bucket that ranges from 22 to 26. The data shows the count of 4 is, that's correct, however, look a the count for the fifth bucket. It shows a count of 7, but 9 values technically meet this criterion.

This is the problem; we don’t know where to place the count for the 26-foot measurement. Does it fall under the fourth or fifth bin? This is why bin ranges should not fall onto values.

It is customary to set the minimum value to a percentage of the lowest and highest number; this is typically .5.

Use 9.5 for the min value and 30.5 for the max.

updated min and max values

The ranges in the chart change and so do the counts in the bins. The counts are 7, 4, 8, 2, and 9. The lower and upper ranges are set to the values we placed. The range for each bin is adjusted for us. The counts are set to 4.2; not the 5 we calculated. This causes problems with the counts again.

histogram with updated bin sizes

The count in each bin isn’t exactly correct here. The measurements are in whole numbers. A bin of 4.2 forces us to split the difference when counting the distances and placing them into each bin.

Go to the histogram section; use 5 for the bucket size.

bucket size set to 5

The bucket ranges update. The bucket counts update: 7, 5, 9, 7, and 2.

updated bin counts

Use the chart title section to change the main title. Set the title to Paper Airplane Flight Contest.

chart title update

Select the Vertical axis title option. Set the title to Distance in feet. We don’t need to change the horizontal axis title.

vertical axis title

This is an excellent example for students. It demonstrates that they need to understand the manual process. The histogram would have been created with errors if they did not understand what needed to be done and what it needed to look like ahead of time.

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Custom 3D Bar charts with Google Drawings

Custom 3D charts with Google Drawings. Creating charts manually provides opportunities to teach and learn. It opens opportunities for students to experience another way to do the same thing. Developing a chart with Drawings provides opportunities for artistic expression. It gives students access to the behind the scenes stuff that’s usually hidden with modern applications.

3D custom bar charts with Google Drawings

The development of charts is an easy process with tools like Excel, Numbers, and Google Sheets. Excel and Numbers have excellent tools to develop colorful charts. Google Sheets has good tools to develop basic nice looking charts.

I think we can create some nice charts with Google Drawings and make them look nice. We need to put a lot of work into making something look nice but I believe the effort is worth it. Plenty of teachable moments.

Okay, why go through all the trouble?

I’m glad you asked.

Creating charts manually provides opportunities to teach and learn. It opens opportunities for students to experience another way to do the same thing. Developing a chart with Drawings provides opportunities for artistic expression. It gives students access to the behind the scenes stuff that’s usually hidden with modern applications.

This lesson arises from lessons I did with students.

The process took a couple of class periods; it was part of a much larger lesson. An unforeseen benefit arose from the process of creating charts manually. My students were better able to answer questions related to charts on those standardized tests. They were able to easily dissect the data presented in those charts. I credit this to their intimate experience in collecting data and creating charts manually.

Use the link below to see a preview of the finished product.

Paper airplane contest chart preview

Use the link below to get the template for our project. The template includes a table with the data. It also includes the font and a graphic used in the lesson.

Google Drawings working document

The project

The date for this project comes from a paper airplane contest. This is part of an overall lesson. In the lesson, we learn about the origins of flight and the principles of flight. One of the actives includes the construction of paper airplanes.

Students construct a paper plane. The design is based on several we found on the Internet. Students choose the design they want to use in the contest. All students agree to use the same design so the data is representative of the design. The first chart does not include variables like paper, paper size, and weight.

Students are separated into teams of two. Each team selects a name for their team. The name must come from one of the terms we learned about aviation. Some of the terms are shown on the table in the drawing template. Requiring these names prevents fights over strange unrelated names. The names make a nice connection to the academic vocabulary.

Each team gets three tries. The measurements are done with a member of the team and a member of an opposing team to make make sure there is no cheating. The three distance measurements are averaged by each team.

The averages are placed in a table. The distances are broken down into percentages. Each percentage is based on the longest average distance; the longest distance being 100-percent. The table forms the basis for the bar chart.

The template has two tables. One has all the teams and trials. The other contains the averages and percentages.

tables with the contest data

On the right side of the drawing is an image. This is an image of a typical paper airplane against a rose background. I will use this image for the chart background later.

graphic in drawing

Click once inside the average and percentage table. A border appears around the table. Move the cursor to one of the border sides. Look for the arrow to change to four opposing arrows. Move the table from the drawing canvas.

selected table

Place the table to the right of the drawing canvas. Place it under the paper airplane image.

table on the right side of the canvas

Moved the other table to the other side of the canvas.

larger table with data selected

We are going to resize the canvas. This creates additional room for the bars we need in the bar chart. Click File and select Page Setup.

page setup option

Select Widescreen 16:10 from the page selector; click the apply button.

selected page setup option

Click the shapes button. Select the cube tool from the Shapes list.

cube shape selected

Draw a thin rectangle on the canvas. This is technically a rectangular prism.

tall thin rectangular prism

We have ten values; we need to make sure there is enough room for the bars to fit on the canvas. We also need to accommodate other elements in the chart. These elements include labels and titles.

There is a ruler that runs along the top of the canvas. The canvas is 10-inches wide.

right edge of ruler

We will leave 1-inch on either side for titles. This leaves 8-inches for the bars. We could divide the eight inches into equal spaces for the bar charts. This, however, would cause the bars to line up against each other. To have some breathing room between each bar the bars will be set to a width of .5 inches.

—Work the steps out with students.

Make sure the shape is still selected and click the Format options button.

format option button

Open the Size & Rotation section.

custom 3d bar chart google grawing lesson image 10.jpg

Change the width to 0.5 inches.

width set to .5 inches

The height of the canvas is a little over 6-inches. Leaving an inch on top and bottom for labels leaves 4-inches. Change the height to 4-inches.

height set to 4 inches

This bar represents the largest value; the longest average distance recorded. We need ten bars in total.

Click Edit and select Duplicate. A useful shortcut is the Ctrl+D or Cmd+D keys. This helps duplicate the bar quickly; we need eight more.

duplicate option

Leave the duplicate bar where it is and duplicate it.

duplicate rectangular prism

Duplicate eight more. You will have nine duplicates of the original with a total of ten. You will have ten bars cascading down when it’s all done.

ten rectangular prisms

Draw a selection around the tops of all the bars.

selecting all the shapes

Click Arrange in the menu and go to the align option. Select the align to top option.

align to top option

The bars align with the top of the first bar.

aligned shapes

Press the ESC key or click away from the selected bars. Click once on the first bar on the left.

first shape selected

Drag the bar to the left; hold the shift key to make sure the bar remains aligned with the others. Alignment guides follow the bar. Use the alignment guide and the ruler. Align the left guide to the number one on the ruler.

alignment guide at one inch mark

Select the last bar on the right. Drag it to the right; remember to hold the shift key. Align the right guide to the number nine on the ruler.

alignment guide at nine inch mark

Draw a selection around all the bars.

all shapes selected

Click Arrange in the menu; go to the Distribute option. Select the option to align the shapes horizontally.

distribute horizontally option

The inner bars are evenly distributed between the first and last bar.

shapes distributed evenly

Keep all the shapes selected. Go back to the Arrange menu; select the Group option.

group option

Click on the second bar. It should be selected on its own apart from the others. You can tell it is selected separately because the rotation handle appears above the shape.

rotation handle

This bar needs to represent 92.7 percent. This is the percentage of the average distance flown by the second-longest flight.

table with percentages

Open the Format options panel—if it isn’t open. Open the Size & Rotation section. Change the height scale to 93 percent. The scale option does not permit decimal percentage values. Round the percentages to the nearest whole number.

height scale at 93 percent

The bar size is adjusted from the bottom up. We will fix this once all the bars are sized.

shape distanced from x-axis

Click on the next bar.

third shape selected

The next percentage value is 74.4. Round the percentage to 74 and enter it in the height percentage value.

height scale 74 percent

Repeat the process with all the bars.

all shapes scaled

Press the ESC key to deselect any of the selected bars. Click once on any of the bars to selected the grouped bars.

all shapes selected

We can’t arrange the bars while they are grouped.

arrange menu options

Use the Arrange menu to ungroup the bars.

ungroup option

The bars remain selected. Use the Align option in the Arrange menu to align the bars to the bottom.

align to bottom option

Return to the Arrange menu and group the bars.

group option

The bars represent the percent values from largest to smallest.

bars for chart

Click the color fill tool. Go to the gradient section; choose light cornflower blue 2.

gradient color selected

The gradient is applied to all the bars.

bars with blue gradient

The default gradient is a good starting point. Let’s create our own. Return to the color palette and the gradient section. Click the custom option.

custom gradient option

The gradient has a light blue on top and a darker shade at the bottom.

gradient preview

Gradients are made with color stops. The left color stop is light blue and the right is a darker blue. The light color stop is selected.

custom 3d bar chart google grawing lesson image 43.jpg

Click the color palette selector. Select light cornflower blue 1.


Click the right color stop.

right color stop selected

Use the color palette to choose dark cornflower blue 2.

color selected from palette

The gradient is a little darker. I chose blue; feel free to choose a gradient color pattern of your own. Click the OK button.

gradient applied to bars

Click the border-color selector. Choose dark cornflower blue 3.

color selected from color palette


We are going to use a text box to place the values for each bar. Click the text box tool.

text box button

Click once above the bar chart. Change the font size to 11 points. Type the value for the average distance of the longest flight.

text box with number

Resize the text box and place it above the first bar.

resized text box in position

Duplicate the text box; place it above the second bar. Change the value to 200.3. Repeat the process for each bar.

text box over second bar

Click on the first text box; hold the shift key and click on the next. Repeat this process to select all the text boxes.

text boxes above all bars

Click Arrange in the menu and select Group.

grop option

Axis lines

Charts have an axis that represents the X and Y values. The values for our chart are the team and distance. We need lines to identify these axis values and labels.

Click the Line tool selector; choose the polyline tool.

poly-line tool

The polyline tool creates connected lines each time we click somewhere on the canvas. The tool is easy to use but tricky if you have never used it before. You have to remember to stop clicking otherwise you keep making lines.

Click once somewhere on the canvas. Hold the shift key and move the tool down to create a vertical line. Holding the shift key assures we create a straight vertical line. Click once to place the second point of the line.

vertical line drawn

Keep holding the shift key and move the tool to the right; make a horizontal line. Double-click to finish drawing the shape.

Press the ESC key on your keyboard after double-clicking. This deselects the tool so you don’t accidentally make another line.

horizontal line drawn

We have our coordinate lines.

selected lines

Move the shape to the lower left side of the bar chart.

lines in lower left  corner

Stretch the top part of the shape; place it just above the first number label.

top of y-axis

Stretch the right side to the right of the last bar.

x-axis stretched to right

Leave space below the bars.

bars with axis lines

Chart title

Click Insert and select Word Art.

word art option

Type Paper Airplane Contest in the input box; press the Return key.

text in word art box

Move the title to the top of the canvas.

word art at top of canvas

Change the font to Fugaz One and resize the word art box. Use the ruler to size the text box and match mine. The left edge of my word art box is at the 1.5-inch mark. The right edge is at the 8.5-inch mark.

measurements at ruler

Change the text fill color. Use dark cornflower blue 1.

selected color from palette

Use white for the word art outline color.

color selected from palette

Set the outline width to 3-pixels.

width selected form options

We need to move things around for the labels. The value labels are grouped separately from the bars. To select all the labels we need to pay close attention to the mouse pointer. The pointer will change to four opposing arrows when it is above the grouped labels.

cursor with arrows

Click once and that will select the grouped labels.

all labels selected

Move the value labels up and to the right. Use the alignment guide to push the grouped box against the bottom of the word art. Use the vertical center alignment guide to center the labels on the canvas. Press the ESC key to deselect the grouped labels.

alignment guides and grouped labels

Click once on one of the bars to select the grouped bars.

grouped bars selected

Using the mouse to move the grouped bars works fine for most situations. Moving the grouped bars hides the bars and makes it difficult to align them with the labels.

moving grouped bars

Instead of using the mouse, we are going to use the arrow keys. Press the up arrow key once or twice. Press the right arrow key once or twice. Use the combination of up, down, left, and right keys to position the bars under the values.

nudged bars into place

Click the axis lines shape; use the arrow keys to position it close to the bars.

x and y-axis in position


We’ll add titles to the X and Y-axis. Click the text box tool and click anywhere on an empty area of the canvas. Type “Distance in inches”.

text in text box

Resize the text box and center justify the text.

formatted text in text box

Drag the rotation handle on the text box to the left.

rotating text box

Hold the Shift key to force the text box to align vertically. Look for the angle measurement to read 270-degrees.

270 degrees displayed over box

Move the text box to the left of the Y-axis line. Use the center alignment guide to position the title.

positioning text box

Click on the text box tool again; click on an empty area of the canvas. Type the first team name into the box. The team names are in the table we placed on the right side of the canvas. The table is editable. Copy and paste the text from the table for the labels.

table with team names

Resize the text box. Don't make the width too small. It will need to accommodate the longer titles of team names. Align the text to the right. Change the font size to 11 points.

team name in text box

Rotate the text box to 300.0 degrees.

rotating text box

Move the text box and place it below the first bar.

first team name in position

The name just fits in the space at the bottom. We need more space for long team names. Click once on one of the bars.

adjusted x-axis line

Drag the bottom resize handle up. Use your best guess to determine how much additional space we need for the titles.

adjusted bars

Click the X and Y-axis line. Move the bottom resize handle up and stop just before you meet the bottom of the bars.

adjusting axis line

Move the text box up to the x-axis line. Use the alignment guide to push the text box up against the x-axis.

text box moved into position

Duplicate the text box. Move it to the next bar. Enter the name of the next team.

second team name in position

Repeat the process for the rest of the team names.

team names in position

Make sure the first and last titles are aligned directly under their corresponding bar. Draw a selection around all the labels.

selection around team labels

Go to the Arrange option on the menu. Use the distribute option to distribute the titles horizontally.

distribute horizontally option

Return to the Arrange menu; use the align option to align the tops.

align to top option

Return to the Arrange menu one more time and group the titles.

group option

Use the up arrow key to nudge the text closer to the x-axis.

team labels grouped

Resizing the bars will offset the value labels. Select the grouped labels. Look for the cursor to change to four opposing arrows before clicking.

moving labels

Use the bottom resize handle to move the titles up.

resize handle

The background

Move the background image onto the canvas. Resize the image so it fills the canvas.

image on canvas

The background offers a sharp contrast to the blue bars. This color is fine but I would like to see what other color options do to the design. Keep the image selected and click the Format options button. Open the Recolor section.

recolor option

Use the recolor selector to choose a color overlay. Let’s see what purple looks like.

recolor palette options

Wow! that is bright.

color overlay on image

I think I’ll go for a light blue to match the bars.

blue overlay applied to image

Text shadow

Click on the main title. Use the format options panel. Add a drop shadow to the text art.

drop shadow option

This is our finished custom bar chart.

completed chart

Cylindrical bars

We aren't limited to 3-D rectangles. We can use cylinders. Select the bars group. Right-click to get the contextual menu. Use the Change shape option to access the shapes tools.

shapes option

Select the cylinder shape.

cylinder shape selected

We now have a bar chart that uses cylinder shapes.

chart with cylinders for bars

Not all the shapes work well for bar charts. Here is one with arrows.

chart with arrows for bars
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Google Alex Google Alex

Space race infographic with Google Drawings

Infographics are a good way for students to summarize information. It allows them to represent what they have learned in alternate ways. Infographics are highly visual and fact-intensive.

Infographics are useful in many segments of media; people grasp information faster when it is visual.

Google Drawings infographic space race to the moon


Infographics are a good way for students to summarize information. It allows them to represent what they have learned in alternate ways. Infographics are highly visual and fact-intensive.

Infographics are useful in many segments of media; people grasp information faster when it is visual.

“It (infographic) keeps people’s interest by lending storytelling and visual element to what can be sterile research.” – Caitlin McCabe.

Good infographics require students to collect relevant information and develop some compelling text. Students present information efficiently and concisely. 


Research has shown that visual clues help increase the memorability of information. —W.H. Levie and R. Lentz, “Effects of Text Illustrations: A Review of Research,” Educational Communications and Technology Journal 30 (4) (1982): 195-232

Facts and figures lend authority to the text. 

We learn things better visually. 90% of the information transmitted to the brain is visual, and that is processed 60,000 times faster in the brain than text. 

Studies confirm the power of visuals in learning

Much of the information above came from several resources. These resources are listed on the Visual Teaching Alliance web page. The link is available below.

The Lesson

The infographic for this lesson is based on an overall lesson. The lesson covers the history of the space race. This was the space race that ended with the first moon landing. It began during the Cold War and Sputnik. It ended with Neil Armstrong landing on the Moon.

Use the link below to see the final product.

Space Race infographic preview

Use the link below to get the starter template. The template includes the fonts used in the lesson.

Google Drawing starter template for space race project

You don’t need to use the template. The template contains the fonts used in the lesson. The fonts are embedded in the drawing. This, in turn, adds the fonts to your font repository. This saves you and students the trouble of having to go out and find the fonts used in the lesson. 

fonts included in drawing template

Google Drawing setup

Infographics are not limited by physical size. Most infographics are usually wider than a typical paper document. They are also much longer. Infographics are meant to be part of social media outlets like Facebook, Twitter, and especially Pinterest. 

The documents are larger because they need to accommodate images and text. They also need to be visually appealing. They are much like the posters we place in our classrooms. The link below to provides a nice overview of the basic dimensions for infographics on various social media. The sizes represented on the page are the standard basic measurements. I use them as the minimum requirements.

The Template

Use the link to get a copy of the template. Click File in the menu; select page setup.

google drawings page setup

Click the page setup selector and choose Custom.

custom page setup

Choose Pixels for the unit measurement.

pixels option

The dimensions for this infographic are 900 by 1200 pixels. Enter these values in the fields. Click the Apply button.

page measurements and apply button

Graphics and text

There are lots of options for infographic backgrounds. They range from a basic color to images. Our background will have an image.

Click the Insert image selector; Search the web.

search the web

Search for space background; use the search panel on the right.

panel search box

Select one of the space backgrounds —choose one you like.

stars background image

Click the Insert button at the bottom of the panel.

insert button

Use the Zoom tool to zoom out to 50%.

zoom to fifty-percent

Grab the lower right resize handle. Stretch the image so it fills the Drawing canvas. Blue alignment guides appear to inform you when the image matches the height of the canvas.

full page with background image

Click the Crop image tool.

crop image tool

Crop handles appear at the edges of the image.

crop handles

Bring the right side crop handle in —toward the center of the image. A crop guide follows the resize handle. There is a Ruler at the top of the canvas. Match the guide to the edge of the ruler.

ruler and crop guide

The right part of the image appears faded. This is the part of the image that will be cropped out. 

cropped area preview

Click once outside the image to exit crop mode. You can also press the ESC key on your keyboard.

exit crop preview

Click Insert and select Word art.

insert word art

Type “The Space Race” in the Word art box. Press Enter to render the word art.

text in word art box

Click the Zoom tool and select Fit.

zoom to fit

Place the title toward the top of the drawing —center it.

centered title in drawing

Change the font. Use something futuristic, techno, or sci-fi. The template includes four fonts I found for you. The fonts are listed below. Use one of these or one of your own.

Expletus Sans

Nova Square



Your font choice might cause the title to extend beyond the canvas. My choice of Orbitron caused the title to extend beyond the canvas. Use the resize handles to fit the title in the canvas.

title outside of drawing canvas area bounds

Some fonts include other members of the font family. My choice of Orbitron includes type-face options from normal to Black. I chose Bold type-face.

bold type-face option for font

Click the color fill button —choose white.

color fill option and white

Word art includes a border option for the letters. Set the border color to transparent.

transparent border selection

Keep the text selected and click the Format options button.

format options button

Place a checkmark on the Drop shadow option.

dropdown shadow option

Click the disclosure chevron to reveal the drop shadow options. Move all the drop shadow sliders to the left.

all drop shadow options moved to the left

Click the color selector and choose Dark gray 1.

dark gray 1 color selected

Move the distance slider to the right. Place the slider below the letter “a” in distance. A number pops up as you move the slider. Stop when the number is 6.

distance slider moved

This gives our title some depth.

title with drop shadow applied

Click the Text box tool.

text tool box button

Click once below the title. Click the font color tool and select white.

text color set to white

Select the Orbitron font or the font you chose earlier, and increase the font size to 32 points.

selected font and typeface parameters

Type the subtitle—A brief history—into the text box.

subtitle in text box

Click once on one of the text box borders.

text box selection

Click the text alignment selector and chose the center-align option.

center-align text option

Move the text box up and toward the center of the main title. Use the vertical and horizontal alignment guides to position the subtitle.

alignment guides

Click the image option selector and search the web.

search the web

Search for Sputnik.

search for sputnik

There are several images. Choose one of the first two that appears. Insert the image.

Sputnik image

We used the crop tool earlier. The crop tool doubles as a mask tool. Click the triangle next to the crop symbol.

crop tool

Choose the circle tool from the shapes option.

circle tool

The shape is masked by an oval. 

image in oval shaped mask

Click the format options button. Open the Size and Rotation options.

size parameters

Set the width and height to 1.5 inches.

width and height set to 1.5 inches

Position the image below the subtitle.

image below subtitle

The image becomes distorted after resizing the mask. We need to update the image. Go to the button bar; click the Replace image selector.

search the web for replace image

Search the web for the Sputnik image. This search box is different from the one we used earlier. The search for Sputnik isn’t saved in this panel. Type Sputnik again.

search for Sputnik again

Select the image and click the Replace button.

replace button

The image is off-center. Double click the image.

image off-center

The image has two bounding boxes. The black box is for the circle mask. The blue is to resize the image. Don’t resize the image; drag it to the left.

image mask

Get as much of the Sputnik sphere into the mask as you can. Press the ESC key to exit mask mode.

image positioned in mask

Make sure the image is still selected.

image without crop options

Select white from the border color palette.

white border color option

Click the border thickness tool; select 8-pixels.

8-pixel border selected

That took a few steps. To save time, we will use this image as a template for the others.

cropped image with border

Select the image; go to the menu and click File. Select the Duplicate option.

duplicate option from menu

Place the duplicate image below the first.

duplicate image below original

Leave the second image selected. Replace the image with one from the Web. Use the Replace image option.

replace image search the web

Search for Yuri Gagarin.

search Yuri Gagarin

Select an image and click Replace.

selected image

Double click the image. Move the image so Yuri Gagarin’s face is in the center of the circle.

centered image in circle

Duplicate the image two more times. Insert images of John Glenn and Neil Armstrong into each.

images of John Glenn and Neil Armstrong

Reposition the images so Neil Armstrong is on top. Place John Glenn next; Yuri Gagarin and Sputnik are next. Move the images to the left side of the canvas.

repositioned images

Click once on the first image. Hold the Shift key and click on each of the other images. 

all images selected

Click Arrange and go to the Align option. There are several align options. The left-align option aligns the images with the leftmost image. The same is true for the right align option. The images align with the rightmost image. The center align option aligns all the images below the first image based on the center of the first image. Use the left-align option.

left align images option

Click Arrange again and go to the Distribute option. Choose the vertical distribution option. 

This spaces the images vertically. It uses the first and last images as anchors. The rest of the images are spaced evenly between these two images. Deselect the images.

distribute images vertically

Select the rounded rectangle tool from the Shapes menu.

rounded rectangle shape

Draw the rounded rectangle shape to the right of Neil Armstrong.

shape next to Neil Armstrong image

The shape has a yellow diamond in the upper left corner. Drag that diamond shape to the right —all the way. This rounds the corners so they match the circle in our image. The shape is now a pill shape.

corner shape selector

We need to size the rounded rectangle so the height matches the height of the Neil Armstrong image. The image of Neil Armstrong is 1.5 inches. The border around the image is 8 pixels. Each pixel is equivalent to a fraction of an inch. That’s about .08 inches for the border. The border is all the way around. So there are .16 inches of the white border on opposite sides of the image. 

The height of the rounded rectangle needs to be 1.66 inches—1.5 plus .16 inches.

Open the Format options panel. Set the height of the rounded rectangle to 1.66 inches.

pill shape height set to 1.66 inches

Move the rounded rectangle over the image of Neil Armstrong. Use the alignment guides to center and align the shape.

align pill shape with Armstrong image

The shape is covering the image. Shapes and images are placed on invisible layers. The layers can be repositioned. 

shape covering Armstrong image

Click Arrange; select Send backward from the Order menu.

send backward option

The rounded rectangle is behind the image. Stretch the shape to the right. Align it with the letter —e— in the title Race.

resized pill image

Use the color fill option; set the color fill to dark cornflower blue 1.

color fill selection palette

Return to the color fill option and choose Custom.

custom color fill option

Move the transparency slider to the left.

transparency slider moved to left

Color and colors with transparency values are represented by Hex values. The value for my adjustment is shown at the top of the custom color selector. Enter this value if you want the same transparency adjustment used in my example —3c78d8cf. Adjust the transparency and click the OK button.

Transparency applied to objects is referred to as the Alpha value. 

Hex value for transparency and color

Change the border color to white.

shape border color to white

Change the border thickness —set it to 4 pixels.

border thickness set to 4 pixels

Duplicate the shape and move it down. Align it with the shape above using the center alignment guide.

center alignment guide

The shape will appear above the image of John Glenn. Use the Arrange menu option to send the shape backward.

send image backward

The shape will still be over the image after sending it backward. There are lots of shapes and images in layers. Return to the Order option and send the image backward again. 

Our shape isn’t on top anymore so options to bring the shape forward or to the front are available.

You’re going to need to do this one more time for this shape. I find it useful to use the shortcut keys to arrange images. On Chromebooks and Windows computers —use the Control key plus the down arrow. Control plus the up arrow moves images forward in the layers. Mac computers use the Command key and the up or down arrow.

keyboard shortcut options for positioning images

Duplicate the shape two more times. Place the shapes behind the two remaining images. 

shapes behind all images

Click the Text box icon.

text icon

Draw a text box over the pill shape. Place the text box next to the left side of the image —stop before it reaches the rounded edge of the pill shape. Cover as much of the shape as you can.

text box in pill shape

Use white for the font color. 

white font color

Use any font and font size you prefer. I used the Nunito font with 16 points.

Nunito font at 16 points

Duplicate the text box and place it over the other shapes. Fill out the boxes with relevant information.

text boxes with information for each image

Replace the background

After working on the infographic you might find it necessary to make some changes. The background I chose was too distracting so I replaced it with another. To replace, click on the background image and use the Replace image option.

new background image

Soften the background

I like backgrounds but some backgrounds can be distracting. I soften backgrounds with a transparent layer. Go to the shapes tool; select the rectangle tool.

rectangle shape tool

Place a small rectangle shape outside the drawing canvas.

small rectangle shape to left of canvas and image

Move the shape onto the canvas. Stretch the shape so it fills the infographic.

shape fills canvas and covers images

Click the border color and choose the transparent option.

border transparent option

Select dark blue 3 from the fill color palette.

color selected from palette

Return to the color fill palette and select the Custom option.

color palette custom option

Move the transparency slider to the center; click the Ok button.

transparency slider

Send the image to the back using the Order option.

send image to back

The shape drops behind the background image. We need to bring the shape up one layer. Use the Order option to bring the shape forward once.

bring image forward once

This mutes the background image slightly and helps the text stand out.

shape overlay on background image

Share your infographic with the world.

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Publishing Google Charts with Google Slides

Google Slides is a good way to publish graphs that are constantly updating. This works well when gathering data through polls and surveys. This is the type of data we are representing in the charts for this lesson. The data in this lesson comes from something we did to increase attendance at the campus.

publish google sheet charts with google slides


This is the fourth lesson in the four-part series on publishing Google Charts. This lesson focuses on the publication of charts using Google Slides.

Google Slides is a good way to publish graphs that are constantly updating. This works well when gathering data through polls and surveys. This is the type of data we are representing in the charts for this lesson. The data in this lesson comes from something we did to increase attendance at the campus.

The administrator promised a pizza party —for the holiday— to classrooms with the highest attendance. Each class kept a record of their daily attendance. We created a Google Form to collect the attendance for each day. 

Each class form was simple. Every teacher had a personal form. The goal was to keep it simple. The teacher entered the number present and submitted it. We took care of gathering and formatting the data in the background. 

The contest was part of a lesson. Everything is a teachable moment. Students learned about gathering data, and basic statistics. We focused on the average attendance value. This worked out in an interesting way when students wanted to come to school even if they were sick.

We worked out how one student doesn't affect the average as much as five or more. They learned how important it was for one student to stay home sick instead of infecting other students and increasing the number of possible absences. It's amazing what kids will do for a pizza party.


Use the link below to see a preview of the final product.

Product preview

I have gathered all the data and formatted the charts in Google Sheet. Use the link below to get a copy of the working documents. 

Google Sheets data and charts

Google Slide template

Data and chart overview

The Google Sheets document has the data and charts formatted for our project. The spreadsheet has one sheet dedicated to each grade level. The last sheet contains all the form data for each teacher’s class.

Each sheet has a table. The table contains the average for each teacher’s attendance. These averages are used to generate the charts.

table and chart

The columns in each chart are color-coded to identify each teacher's class.

bar chart

The attendance data updates every day during the contest. We can't have access to live data for the lesson so I did the next best thing. The Kinder sheet has a Date filter. This filter represents the dates for the attendance contest. Select a date and the data for that day and the previous days are averaged. Select August 21st, 2020. 

date selector

The charts on each sheet update with the selected date range.

updated chart

Preparing the slides

Switch to the Google Slides template. The template has one slide. This slide is based on a slide master created for this project. 

slide template

Go to the menu and click Insert. Go to the Chart option and select From Sheets.

insert chart from sheets

Find the Attendance Chart sheet. Click on the sheet icon and click the Select button.

select the sheet

Each chart in the sheet is detected and displayed. Click on the Kinder attendance chart.

select the kinder chart

Each chart is linked to the spreadsheet. This link updates the chart as the data in each sheet updates. We will see how this works later. Click the Import button.

import button

Position the chart so it fills the slide. Don’t worry if the chart stretches.

chart fills slide

Click the Insert slide selector.

insert slide selector

The template has a master slide with the reformatted heading. Select this slide master.

attendance slide master

Insert the next chart. Go to the menu and select Insert. Go to the chart option and select From Sheets. Select the attendance spreadsheet. Find the First-grade chart and insert it into the slide. Resize the chart to fit. Repeat this process with all the charts.

select first grade chart

The data in my current chart for Kinder represents the first week’s attendance. This is true for all the other charts. This represents the selector choice I made a few steps ago.

kinder attendance chart

Return to the Sheets tab. Use the date filter and select August 28, 2020.

update date in sheet

The chart updates with the data from the dates.

chart in sheet updates

Return to the Google Slides tab. The chart in the kinder chart has an update button; click the button.

update button in slide chart for kinder

The chart updates and matches the chart in the Sheet.

chart updates

The chart on each slide needs to be updated. Go to the First-grade chart and click the update button. 

update button in first grade chart

Updating each chart on each slide is tedious. There is a faster way to update all the charts at once. Go to the menu and click Tools; select the Linked objects option.

linked object option

A panel opens on the right. It lists objects with links to external sources. Each link has an update button. 

update buttons for charts

We can click each update button but there is a faster way to update all the charts. There is a button at the bottom of the panel to update all the linked objects; click the button.

update all button

There is a way to automatically update all the charts. That requires the creation of a Google Script. That takes us beyond the objective of this lesson. 


Everything is ready for publication. Go to the menu and click File; select publish to the web.

publish to the web

The link configuration box has several auto-advance options. The default is three seconds. Use the selector to choose how long each slide will display before advancing to the next. I like to leave it at three-seconds unless there is a lot of information to present.

Select the option to start the slideshow as soon as the player loads. Select the option to restart the slideshow after the last slide. Click the Publish button.

publish options

Click the Ok button to confirm the publication.

confirm publish

A special publication link is created. Copy the link.

publish link

Create a new tab and paste the link. Press the Return key to view the published slide show. The presentation begins moving from slide to slide as soon as the page loads.

published slide show

Adjust the timing

The three-second default might be too fast. To adjust the timing we need to return to the publication settings. Choose a different time interval.

update timing

The link updates with the new setting. Copy the link. Return to the tab with the slide. Replace the link with the updated version.

publish link

Another way to update the setting is to go directly to the link. The end of the link has a number. This number represents the number of seconds for each slide. The number represents milliseconds. 5000 or 5 milliseconds in my example. Set this value to any value you want. Here are some examples: 5500 is five-and-a-half seconds, 7000 is seven seconds, and 60000 is one minute.

update timing in link

Use this link to publish the live charts.

Stop publishing

It is a good idea to stop publishing live charts when they are no longer needed. Return to the Google Slides tab. Click the Published content & settings option. Click the Stop publishing button when you are done with the project.

stop publishing option
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Publishing Google Charts with Google Drawings

Welcome to the third lesson in a four-part lesson for publishing Google Charts. This lesson focuses on the publication of Google Charts with Google Drawings.

Google Drawings has features that make publishing charts easy. Google Drawings allows us to be creative. Charts are often part of infographics. We are using a basic infographic to publish the chart in this lesson.

publish google sheet charts with google drawings


Welcome to the third lesson in a four-part lesson for publishing Google Charts. This lesson focuses on the publication of Google Charts with Google Drawings.

In a previous lesson, we learned how to publish charts on their own. We published a Google Sheet to simulate a dashboard. We used a Google Doc to publish the chart and include detailed information. 

Google Drawings has features that make publishing charts easy. Google Drawings allows us to be creative. Charts are often part of infographics. We are using a basic infographic to publish the chart in this lesson. 

Use the link below to see a preview of the final product.

Google Drawings chart preview

Use the links below to get a copy of the Chart and Drawing working documents. 

Google Sheet chart

Google Drawing

The Chart

Take a look at the chart on the Google Sheet. The chart displays the top ten highest mountain peaks in the United States. The data for the chart comes from a Wikipedia article. The link to the articles is available in the Sheet. The data is in the Peaks sheet. 

The Table uses a Query to filter for prominent peaks in the United States. The Google Sheet with the chart doesn’t need to be open. You can close it after reviewing the information.

chart preview in sheets

The Drawing

The template has a background image of the Denali mountain. It has a title and text box with basic information about Denali. There is a place for the chart next to the text box. 

google drawing template preview

Go to the menu and click Insert. Go to the Chart option and select From Sheets.

insert chart from sheets

Look for the spreadsheet titled Highest Mountain Peaks. The preview shows the table and chart in the first sheet. Select the spreadsheet.

selected spreadsheet

The import box displays the only chart in our spreadsheet.

select chart and import

The chart is linked to the spreadsheet; this is important. Select the chart and click Import.

chart linked to spreadsheet option enabled

Resize the chart and place it next to the information box. The chart shows a link to the spreadsheet. We will come back to this later.

chart link to sheet

Click the Share button.

share button

Click the option that reads Change to anyone with the link. 

share link with anyone

Click the Copy link button.

copy the share link

Open a new tab and paste the link into the address bar. The link ends with the word edit and some other information.

edit option in link

Replace edit and anything that comes after, with the word preview. Press the Return key to render the page.

link updated with preview option

Our drawing is nicely published for the world to view.

drawing published

The data in the published drawing is live. Leave the tab open and return to the Drawing tab. Click the Done button to close the link box.

close the link sharing panel

Click once on the chart. Click the Link button and select Open source.

link button on sheet to open the source sheet

The information in the table for the chart is from a Query. Click on the Heading titled Peak. Look at the query in the Formula bar.

Peak heading in table and formula bar

Go into the Formula bar and change the Limit parameter from 10 to 5. The Limit parameter limits the number of results returned in the query. Press the Return key to update the query.

update limit value

The table and chart update

table and chart update on sheet

Return to the Drawings tab. An update button appears next to the Link menu. Click the Update button.

update button on chart in drawing

Go to the published drawing tab. Refresh the page to show the changes.

published drawing with changes

Google Drawings is very useful for creating elaborate documents. An infographic is one document format that works well with charts and drawings. 

The publish option

There is a publishing option for Drawings. This is similar to publish options in Sheets, Docs, and Slides. There is one important difference. The publish option does not provide a web version of the drawing. Let's take a look.

Click File and select Publish to the web.

publish to the web option

Publishing Google Drawings comes with an option to select the resolution of the published image. The medium resolution is recommended. 

medium resolution setting

The other resolution options are small and large. Stick with medium and click the Publish button.

other resolution options

Confirm you want Google to publish the drawing.

confirm publish

A link is generated for the published document. Copy the link; create a new tab and paste the link.

link to published drawing

Press the Return key. You most likely won’t see the chart displayed on the page. The drawing is converted to a PNG image and downloaded to your computer.

This option doesn’t serve us here for what we want to do. It is useful for other purposes. It is a good way to distribute and share images. It is also a good way to embed images in other Google products.

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Publishing Google Charts with Google Docs

Welcome to the second part of a four-part lesson on publishing Google Charts. This lesson focuses on the publication of charts using Google Docs.

In the previous lesson, we learned how to publish charts with Google Sheets. We published a Chart by itself. We also published charts and tables in a dashboard format.

publish google sheet charts with google docs


Welcome to the second part of a four-part lesson on publishing Google Charts. This lesson focuses on the publication of charts using Google Docs.

In the previous lesson, we learned how to publish charts with Google Sheets. We published a Chart by itself. We also published charts and tables in a dashboard format. 

Publishing charts in Docs provides a variety of tools not available in Sheets; this is useful when we want students to include Charts in reports. 

Use the link below to see a preview of the final document.

Preview the finished product

Use the links below to get a copy of the working document for this lesson.

The link below contains the Google Doc to be published.

Google Docs working document

The link below contains the Google Sheet with the chart to be published. 

Google Sheets working document

The document has information about Denali and Mount Blackburn. I copied the information from Wikipedia. The links to the resources are available in the citations. 

Insert the chart

Place the cursor above the heading for Mountain Peaks.

cursor in document

Go to the menu and click Insert. Go to the Chart option and select From Sheets.

insert chart from sheets

Find the Highest mountain peak spreadsheet; click on it once. Click the Select button.

select the sheet with the chart

A chart selection box opens. We only have one chart. Click on the chart and then the Import button.

select the chart to import

There are two ways of publishing this document. I prefer one over the other. I think you will see why one is better than the other. Click File in the menu and select Publish to the web. 

publish to the web

Click the Publish button. Get the link and paste it into a new tab. The published document looks good; however, all our nice formatting is gone. Let's take a look at another option.

published document without formatting

Leave the published document tab open. Return to the document and close the publication configuration box. 

Click the Share button.

google sheet share button

Click the option to change the link so anyone who has the link can view the document. 

get view link

Click the copy link button.

copy link button

Open a new tab and paste the link. Look for the word edit at the end of the shared link.

edit option in shared link

Replace edit and anything after with the word —preview. Press the Return key.

link updated with word preview

This published version retains all the formatting. I prefer this way of publishing the Google Document.

published document with formatting in place

This version comes with drawbacks. A shared version is different from a published version. The link on a shared version can be modified to allow anyone to make a copy of the document. They can replace the word preview with the word —copy. This is how you have been getting the working documents for the lessons.

Update the chart

Updating the chart information is not automatic. Go to the spreadsheet. Click on the Heading for Peak. Go to the Formula bar and change the limit from 10 to 5. 

query limit parameter set to 10
limit parameter changed to 5

Go to the working document. Not the one published with the preview link. Click once on the chart. There is an update button in the top right corner. Click the button to update the published chart.

update button on chart

Go to the published document tab. Refresh the document page.

updated published chart

Text in a Google Doc is different. The text in the document is automatically updated. 

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Publishing charts with Google Sheets

This is part of a four-part series on publishing Google Charts. Published charts are live. Any changes made to the working chart are reflected in the published chart. Updates are not automatic for all forms of published charts. Updates have to be manually pushed to the published version.

Publish google sheet charts


This is part of a four-part series on publishing Google Charts. Published charts are live. Any changes made to the working chart are reflected in the published chart. Updates are not automatic for all forms of published charts. Updates have to be manually pushed to the published version. 

Google Sheets is a useful tool for the development of a variety of charts. Once those charts are created it may be necessary to share them with others. There are a variety of reasons for sharing the information and a variety of ways to share it. I am going to focus on examples related to education. 

The first example focuses on the publication of data for a geography assignment. Like all assignments, this assignment is connected to other subjects. It is part of an overall student product students. 

The second example comes from something I was part of for one year. The administrator at the campus wanted to increase student attendance. She offered a pizza party for the class or classes with the highest attendance. The parties would be part of the traditional holiday parties for December.

Product preview

Use the links below to see a preview of the final products.

The highest mountain peaks in North America: 

Holiday party attendance:

Working documents

Use the links below to get a copy of the working document. The document includes the charts. The charts are already formatted for publication.

Volcano geography chart

Student attendance charts

Just the chart

The spreadsheet has a chart and table on the first sheet. The first sheet is titled USA. The second sheet is titled peaks. That sheet contains the raw data.

table and chart

Click once on the chart. Look for the action menu. 

action menu

Click the action menu and select Publish chart.

select publish chart

A publication configuration box opens.

publish options

Click the share option selector. Choose the chart itself. The chart is titled Highest Mountain Peaks in USA.

select chart from sheet

Leave the other option set at Interactive. Click the Publish button.

publish button with interactive option set

Google Drive prompts for confirmation. Click the OK button.

ok button

A special publication link is generated and selected. Copy the link.

publish link

Create a new tab and paste the link into the address bar. Press the Return key to load the published chart.

link in address bar

The chart appears on the far left side of the browser. Nothing but the formatted chart appears on the page. Use the link and share it with anyone who needs to see the chart. The chart does not need special permission. Anyone who has the link can see it. 

Charts created within an organization have additional options to share with the world. Use those options to share the map with the world. Otherwise, the chart can only be viewed by members of the organization. 

published chart

Roll the mouse over one of the columns in the chart. The name of the mountain and height appear. This is the extent of the interactivity.

hover over interactivity

Interactivity is nice; it isn’t needed in this chart. We can choose to publish the chart as a non-interactive image. Click in the address bar and move to the end of the link. The last word in the link is interactive.

interactive option in link

Replace the word interactive with "image". Press the Return key.

updated link

The image appears at the center of the page. Roll your mouse over a column and nothing will happen. Change the link name back to interactive if you want to use the interactive version.

non interactive version of chart

The chart data is live. The chart updates on its own when we update the information related to the chart. For example, the chart would update if we chose to chart only the top five highest peaks. All we do is update the chart on the sheet. The update on the published version takes care of itself. Let’s take a look at how this works. Leave the tab open and return to the spreadsheet tab.

Stop and Republish

The sheet still has the publication options dialogue open. Click the Published content & settings option.

publish settings

This is where we stop publishing the chart. The chart will always be viewable by anyone with the link as long as the publish option is enabled. 

There are other ways to stop the published chart. These are not the ideal way to stop publishing the chart but you need to be aware of them. Deleting the chart from the sheet will stop the publication. Deleting the spreadsheet or Sheet will also stop the publication. Anyone visiting the site with a missing chart link will see an error message.

The republish option is automatically enabled. I recommend unchecking the option before making changes. This gives you time to make sure the information is ready for publication.

publish settings disclosed

Remove the check from the box and close the configuration box. 

remove option to automatically republish changes

Go to the table and click the Peak heading.

Peak heading in table selected

Look at the Formula bar. The table is generated with a Query function. The function has a limit parameter. The limit is currently set to 10. Only the first 10 records are displayed.

formula limit set to 10

Replace the 10 with 5 and press the Return key.

limit value set to 5

The chart on the sheet updates with the changes.

chart updates to represent change

Click the chart action menu; select Publish chart. 

select publish chart

Place a check back on the option to automatically republish changes. Close the configuration box.

enable automatic update changes

Switch back to the published chart tab. The chart has been updated with the changes. Click the browser refresh button if the chart does not show the change.

published version with updates

Close the published chart tab. We don’t need it for the remaining lessons.

Dashboard option

Sharing charts as we did is easy but the view is kind of plain. There is another way to share the chart and other content on the sheet. This is often referred to as publishing a dashboard. 

This is a dashboard of a kind. Real dashboards created with Google Data Studio have interactive components. They include selectors and ways to update the information in charts. 

Go to the menu and click File; choose to Publish to the web.

publish to the web option

This is the same configuration option we just used. 

publish button and options

Click the selector and choose USA. This is the Sheet itself.

select USA sheet to publish

Click the Publish button. Confirm you want to publish the document.

publish button

Copy the publish link. This link is different from the chart link we created earlier.

publish link

Create a new tab and paste the link into the address bar. The sheet with the table and chart open on the page. The name of the spreadsheet and sheet appears in the information bar. The table is missing half the mountain peaks. We changed the Query limit in the previous lesson. 

table data for chart

Updating the dashboard

Return to the spreadsheet tab. Close the configuration box. Click on the Peak heading; go to the formula bar. Change the Limit value from 5 to 10. Press the Return key to update the table and chart.

change limit for query formula to 10

Go to the spreadsheet dashboard tab. Click the browser refresh button.

updated published version of chart

updated published version of chart

I like this method of publishing charts. It allows me to choose the position and background color of the chart. I can also include other elements like the table. 

Attendance dashboard

In the attendance dashboard, I applied the same process. The dashboard has several charts with additional formatting. Use the link above to see the published version of this dashboard.

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Google Sheets measures in time assignments

In this lesson, we are creating an assignment generator for time measurement. The assignment generator will generate assignments for students to calculate the number of minutes in a given number of seconds. It will also create assignments for students to calculate the number of hours given minutes and seconds.

Google Sheets assignment generator for adding mixed measures in time

Get a PDF copy of this lesson


We teach a variety of measurement standards. These measurement standards include linear measurement units like feet, yards, centimeters, and meters. Time is also one of those measurement standards. 

Measuring intervals of time is important in science. It is also important in coding. In this lesson, we will create a time assignment generator using Google Sheets. The generator will create assignments for students to solve for the number of minutes and seconds. The generator will also create assignments for calculating hours, minutes, and seconds.

Use the links below for a copy of the final product.

Calculating hours, minutes, and seconds preview
Calculating hours, minutes, and seconds copy

The template

I have formatted a sheet to get you started. Use the link below to get a copy of the starter template.

Time measurement generator template

We are using a function called RANDBETWEEN. This function selects a random number from a range of numbers we provide. The function needs the lowest and largest number in the range. The sheet I provided already has a lower and upper number in cells A3 and B3. The function will use these numbers.

The function retrieves the numbers from these cells to make it easier for us to update the range values at any time.

Go to cell C3 and type the function below.


RANDBETWEEN function with cell references

The cells are referenced using a dollar symbol before each letter and number. This converts the reference to an absolute cell reference. The function will look to the values in cells A3 and B3 only. This is important.

The function selects a number between 60 and 360. We are going to make a copy of this function to create 10 problems. 

Click back on cell C3. Find the blue square in the lower right corner of the cell. This is the duplicate tool. Drag the blue square down to cell C12. Drag it down more cells if you want more assignment problems.

copy function to other cells

We have 10 problems with a random set of seconds.

range of cells with random seconds

Go to cell E3 and type the formula below.


division of seconds by 60

The formula divides the value in cell C3 by 60. Not all the seconds in our problems are evenly divisible by 60. The formula in my example has 3 minutes and some seconds. The seconds are shown as decimal values. 

To remove the seconds we need to round the division to the nearest whole number. Erase the formula and update it with the one below.


ROUNDDOWN function

We are using the ROUNDDOWN function to round the quotient to the nearest whole number. The function needs the number to round. This is provided by the division of the value in cell C3 by 60. It needs the place value for the rounding. The parameter of 0 is used to provide a whole number. We don’t need any decimals.

There are several rounding functions available in Google Sheets. I chose the ROUNDDOWN function because it will round down to the nearest whole number. Rounding up causes problems when the decimal value is .5 or above. This would give us too many inches in some instances.

Click back on cell E3. Drag the blue square down to row 12.

Modulus function for seconds

Go to cell F3. Type the function below.


MOD function for seconds

The Modulus function is used to pull out the remainder from a division. The function divides the contents in cell C3 by 60. Only the remainder is placed in the cell.

This came out perfect in my example. Look at the image below. We have 64 seconds which is 1 minute and 4 seconds. 

Copy the formula down to row 12.

first seconds row with 4 seconds

We have our first problems set. We need one more thing. We need an equal sign. We can't just type the equal sign. The equal sign is used to begin a function or formula in sheets.

selected cell

Type the function below. Copy it down to row 12.


CHAR function for equal sign

The CHAR function is used to represent Unicode values. Every character used in a computer has a Unicode value. The Unicode value for the equal sign is 61. 

I use the site below to reference basic math Unicode values.

Go to this web site for a moment. Hover over one of the symbols to see the Unicode value for that symbol. The Unicode value is 61 for the equal sign. Return to the google sheet.

Unicode value for equals sign

Change the upper value to generate more complicated assignments. I changed the value to 720.

updated upper range value

Minutes to hours

Now that we have seconds to minutes, we will create assignments to convert minutes to hours. Go to the next sheet in the template.

In the template, I provided ranges for the minutes and seconds. 

The values in cells E3 and F3 are not generated randomly yet. I placed these values here so we can see out how this works with something that makes sense. 

minutes and seconds

We are working backward and beginning with something we know. Go to cell J3 and enter the function below.


modulus for seconds

Remember, this function returns the remainder from the division of the value in cell F3 and 60 seconds. The value in cell F3 is 60 so the remainder is zero.

zero seconds remainder

Go to cell I3 and enter the formula below.


modulus function for minutes

In this cell, we need to do more than calculate the number of minutes. We need to add the number of minutes in cell E3 to add up the number of hours. 

This is what the first part of the formula is doing. It is dividing the value in cell F3 by 60 seconds. The quotient of this division is added to the minutes in cell E3. This gives us the total number of minutes to calculate for hours. The sum of the hours is divided by 60 minutes.

We are using the MOD function to return the remainder of our division by 60. The MOD function is calculating the value from the division and the addition of seconds and minutes. It is then dividing that value by 60 and returning the remainder. The remainder is the number of minutes left over.

We have one minute leftover. This makes sense. The sum of 180 minutes and 60 seconds is 2 hours and 1 minute.

one minute

Go to cell H3 and enter the formula below.


round down function for hours

We are adding the number of minutes in cell E3 to the calculated minutes in cell I3. The sum is divided by 60 minutes. The calculation of E3 and I3 is in parenthesis. This instructs Google Sheets adds these numbers before dividing by 60. Google Sheets obeys the order of operations. Without the parenthesis, it would divide I3 by 60 before adding E3.

We are using the ROUNDDOWN function as we did with minutes in the previous part of the lesson. We don't want any decimal place values so the value is rounded to 0 or no decimal places.

The answer makes sense. The sum of 180 minutes plus 60 seconds is 3 hours and 1 minute.

three hours

Go to cell F3. Change the seconds from 60 to 61 seconds. The minutes are calculated and include a decimal value. This doesn’t work for us. We need to round the value to the nearest whole number.

61 seconds and decimal values

Update cell I3 with the formula shown below.


round down function for minutes

We are embedding the MOD function inside the ROUNDDOWN function. The result of the MOD function is rounded down to the nearest whole number.

one minute and no decimal values

The answers make sense. Now we can generate random minutes and seconds. Go to cell E3 and enter the function below.


rand between function for minutes

Go to cell F3 and enter the function below.


rand between function for seconds

Duplicate the functions down each column. Use the blue square. Duplicate them down to row 12.

seconds column

Google Docs assignment

We have our assignment generator. It’s a time to generate an assignment and publish it with Google Docs. I have a template for you to use. Use this template or create your own new Google Doc. Use the link below to get a copy.

The document includes a header with the title and instructions.

assignment document with header information

Keep the document open and return to the Google Sheet tab.

Select all the problems generated in the hours, minutes, and seconds sheet. Include the headers. Click Edit in the menu and select Copy.

selected cells

Go to the Google document tab. Click Edit and select Paste. Select the option to paste unlinked.

paste unlinked

Let’s make the problems presentable for students.

table with assignment

Select all the cells in the table. 

selected table cells

Go to the menu and click Format. Go down to the Table option. Select Table properties.

table properties menu option

Set the column width to 1.0

column width

Set the table border to .5 points.

table border

Set the table border color to a light gray.

table border color palette

Click the OK button to save the changes.

Don’t deselect the table yet. Go to the button bar and click the Center Text align button.

center align button

Change the font size to 12 points.

font size

Student copy

This is your teacher's master. 

preview of assignment document

Go to the menu and click File. Select Make a copy.

make a copy

Update the document name. Set it to Hours Minutes and seconds student assignments. Click the OK button.

Select the answers for hours, minutes, and seconds. Press the Delete key to erase the values. Distribute this document to students.

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Create math assignments with Google Sheets

This lesson covers the process for creating a Least Common Multiple(LCM) and Greatest Common Factor (GCF) assignment generator. The generator is created with Google Sheets. The content is sent to a Google Doc and distributed to students.

basic math assignment generator with Google Sheets

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Generate math assignment for the Greatest Common Factor and Least Common Multiple.


This is an assignment generator using Google Sheets. After learning multiplication and division. Before learning fractions. We cover the Greatest Common Factor and Least Common Multiple. These skills tie into multiplication and division. They are also the jumping-off point for fractions and reducing fractions.

When solving for the Greatest Common Factor we are looking for a number that divides evenly into two or more numbers. The Least Common Multiple is the smallest number this is evenly divisible by two or more numbers. For example, 16 is divisible by 4 and 8. 

Below are links to the final product in a Google Doc.
Least common denominator assignment preview
Least common denominator assignment copy

The GCF generator

Go to Google Drive and create a new Google Sheet. Use GCF and LCM assignment generator for the document name.

document file name

Double click the sheet name. Change the name from sheet 1 to GCF.

rename sheet

We are using a function called RANDBETWEEN to generate the numbers for each problem set. We need to pass two values into the function. It needs a lower and upper number for the range. It chooses a number from within this range. The range we use can vary from assignment to assignment. This is especially true when differentiating assignments.

In programming, it is good practice to avoid hard coding variables into functions. When values are hardcoded we need to go into each function every time it is used and change the values. This gets tedious and is error-prone. We are setting up cells to act as the values that will be adjusted for all the instances of our RANDBETWEEN function.

Type these headings. Type Range Values in cell A1. Type Lower and Upper in cells A2 and B2. Type Number 1 and Number 2 in cells C2 and D2. Type GCF in cell E2.

column headings

Select cells A1 and B1. Go to the button bar and click the Merge cells button.

merge cells button

Highlight the cells A1 to E2. Go to the button bar and click the Center Align button.

center align button

Highlight cells A1 to B2. Click the cell background color selector in the button bar. Choose a light color. I chose a light blue.

color palette selector

Click on the C column heading.

column C heading selected

Go to the button bar and click the Border selector. Choose the Left border. Don’t leave the selector yet.

left border selection

Go to the Borderline thickness selector. Choose a thick border. Chose the third option.

thick border selection

Type 10 in cell A3 and 50 in cell B3. We will begin with these numbers for the range.

lower and upper range values

Go to cell C3 and type the function below.


The function uses the values in cells A3 and B3 for the range. The dollar sign before each letter and number sets the cell reference to an absolute cell reference. This sets the function to use the values in these cells only. 

rand between function

Type the same function in cell D3.

rand between function in cell D3

Go to cell E3 and type the function below.


The function uses the values in cells C3 and D3 to determine the GCF of both.

GCD function

The generator selects two numbers. The numbers in my example are 49 and 21. The GCF for both numbers is 7.

GCD value

Select the cells from C3 to E3.

selected cells

There is a blue square in the lower right corner of cell E3. Click and drag this blue square down. Drag it down to row 12.

duplicate cells option

This copies the functions down 10 rows to give us ten problems. Drag the blue square down more rows if you want more problems.

GCD problems

The numbers are randomly selected for each problem. Some numbers have more GCF values of 1 than others. In the image below I have a nice distribution of numbers.

updating the problems

If you’re not happy with the numbers this is how to update the numbers. Click and drag the blue square on any GCF cell. You don’t have to update all the cells. One or two is enough to force the sheet to update. The sheet updates everything.

update with copy function

Go to the range parameters. Update them to increase or decrease the range of numbers.

increased upper range

LCM generator

The Least Common Multiple Generator works on the same principle as the GCF. So, we have done most of the work for the LCM generator.

Click the actions triangle next to the sheet name.

sheet action menu

Select the Duplicate option.

sheet duplicate option

Double click the duplicate sheet name. Use LCM for the name.

updated sheet name

Go to cell E2. Update the heading from GCF to LCM.

updated column heading

Double click on cell E3. Replace the GCD function with LCM. Press the Return key to update the function.

LCM function

Go back to cell E3. Drag the blue square down to row 12 or the last row in your problems set. We only need to update the LCM column.

updating LCM cells

The LCM values are large. Reduce the LCM by reducing the range values.

LCM values

I used a range of 1 to 10 for these LCM values.

new values from updated range

We are done with the LCM generator.

Google doc assignment

Let’s put it all together into an assignment for students. Leave the sheets tab open. Go back to the Google Drive tab. Create a new Google Document. Use LCM assignment for the name.

document file name

Go to the menu and click Insert. Go to the Headers & footers section. Select Header.

header option

Provide a title for the assignment. Include instructions. Press the Return key once to add some space after the instructions.

header assignment information

Return to the Google Sheet with the generator. Select the rows with numbers and solutions. Don’t include the headers. Copy the selection.

selected cells

Return to the document. Click once on the body. Go to the menu and click Edit. Select Paste without formatting.

paste without formatting

Select all the numbers on the page. Set the font size 14 points. Choose Double from the Line Spacing selector.

double spacing

Click the numbered list selector. Choose the numbering style with parenthesis.

numbered list option

Move the First Line indent marker to 0.00.

first line indent setting

Student copy

This is your teacher's master document.

basic assignment values

We will highlight the answers. Select the first answer and change the color. I use the traditional red. Don’t deselect the number yet.

answer color set to red

Double click the format paint tool.

format paint tool

Double click the next answer. The formatting tool remains loaded with the format tool. This is why we double-clicked the tool. Double click each of the answers. Click the format tool once to unload the formatting when you are done.

formatting of other answer

We need a copy of this document for student assignments. Click File in the menu and select Make a copy.

make a copy

Set the name of the copy to LCM student assignment. Click the OK button.

Double click the first answer and press the delete key.

answer selected

Repeat the process with each answer. Distribute this assignment to students. 

Repeat the process with assignments for the greatest common factor. Generate numbers in the spreadsheet and create several assignments.

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Halloween Infographic with Google Drawings

In this lesson, we are using Google Drawings to create a fun Halloween Infographic. You will learn how to import images into Drawings. You will learn how to layer images with transparency. You will learn how to create a working document for students with the necessary resources like images and fonts. Use the infographic for basic information on Halloween or use it for writing exercises. Writing exercises include poems, stories, and personal memories.

Halloween infographic with Google Drawings

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Infographics are used in a wide range of topics. Infographics are a fun way for students to collect and present information. An infographic is filled with images and charts that provide an overview of a topic. Most infographics contain a minimum amount of text. 

Infographics are designed to provide visual information. Visual information is processed faster than text. This is one reason infographics are so popular in media. 

Creating them takes more work. This is one of the reasons I like this type of exercise. 

Students need to be aware of their audience. They need to think about thinks like legibility and readability. They research the topic. They decide how they are going to present the information. Is it going to be formal, informal, or personal? They need to decide on the format. They outline the information and create mockups. Students need to highlight the main points of a topic. They need to learn how to convey the main idea with a few sentences. 

The product

I like to create a working document for students. The working document contains some resources. These resources facilitate the speedy completion of the product. For example, students often spend too much time searching through fonts. The working document includes the fonts to be used in the project.

The first infographic projects are guided. On these projects, I include the graphics to be used. I do this to speed up the process and avoid distractions. Searching for images is fun but students wander off. 

Use the link below to see a preview of the final product.

Preview the final product

Use the link below to get a copy of the working document.

Get a copy of the working document

Drawing document

The working document has a few resources. On the left side of the canvas is the list of imported fonts. Google has a large repository of fonts available for Google documents. They are also available for use on your computer. The repository is found at The repository is also available within the Google Apps.

When you receive a Google document from any application —Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, or Drawings— it includes all the fonts used in the creation of that document. 

The fonts for this lesson are in a text box where each line is formatted with a separate font. This attaches the fonts to the document and makes them available. 

list of fonts in google drawing working document

Below the font resources is a donut chart. The chart is one of the components I want students to include. The chart represents statistics on the number of people that wear a costume on Halloween. This information is available on —Halloween facts for kids.

donut chart

On the right side of the canvas are the graphics used in the product. They include a pumpkin scarecrow, scary pumpkin, and cute trick-or-treaters.

clipart images

The background

I like to begin with a background. The background sets the tone of the project. It also sets the choice of colors. Click the Insert Image option in the button bar; select the Search web option.

search the web option

Search for Halloween.

search for Halloween

I chose the image with a haunted house and an orange moon in the background. Click on the image and click the Insert button. The button is at the bottom of the panel. You can also double click the image. That’s much easier.

background image selected

Stretch the image so it fills the canvas. Don’t worry about deforming the image. Halloween images are scary and deformed.

background image fit to canvas

Go to the shape selector tool. Select the rectangle shape tool.

rectangle tool selected

Draw a rectangle anywhere over the image.

rectangle shape over background image

Use the background palette and set the color to dark orange 1.

color selected from palette

Use the line color palette and choose the transparent option.

transparent option for border

Go back to the color background tool; choose the custom option.

custom color option

Move the transparency slider to the left. Not too much —about a fifth of the way.

transparency slider

The top of the custom toolbox has a Hex value for color and transparency. Enter this number if you want the same results I have. The Hex value is e69138c8. Click the OK button.

Move the box to the top left corner. Align the edges of the box to the edges of the canvas. Use the red alignment guides to help.

image aligned to top left

Stretch the box so it fills the image on the canvas.

orange overlay over image

The title

Go to the menu and click Insert. Choose the Word art option.

word art option

Type Halloween Facts in the Word art box. Press the Return key.

text in word art box

Keep the word art selected. Use the font menu to select one of the fonts provided with the document. Mine are all listed in the recent section. The fonts on your menu will be further down. I’m using the Creepster font.

font selection tool

Move the word art text box to the top center of the drawing canvas.

word art top center of canvas

Use the background fill tool. Select a color for the title. I choose dark red 2.

background color set to red

The text has a thin black border that helps the red stand out. Click the line thickness tool and choose the 2-pixel option.

2 pixel border width

Click the Format options button.

format options button

Place a checkmark on Drop shadow. Close the format options panel.

drop shadow option enabled

Bullet points

The pumpkin images will serve as bullet points. The pumpkin images are available on the document but I want to show you how to search for and insert them. Click the Insert image selector. Choose Search the web.

search the web option

Search for Halloween pumpkin clipart. The clipart option is important. 

Halloween clipart search

Click the preview image icon for the first pumpkin.

preview option

The clipart image appears in an overlay. The image is surrounded by tiny grey and white squares. These squares indicate that the background is transparent. That’s what we want. We don’t want to have to deal with some ugly background around the pumpkin. 

transparency grid

Click the next button twice to get to the pumpkin image we need.

next image button

Click the Insert button.

insert button for image

Click the Format options button.

Open the Size & Rotation section. Place a checkmark on the Lock aspect ratio option.

lock aspect ration option

Change the width to 1-inch. The height value changes to match the aspect ratio. 

width set to 1-inch

Place the pumpkin below the letter H for Halloween. Use the red alignment guides to position the image.

position of pumpkin image

Go to the menu and click Edit. Select the Duplicate option.

duplicate option

Place the duplicate pumpkin below the first.

second pumpkin placement

Repeat the process one more time and place the pumpkin below the second.

three pumpkin images selected

Hold the Shift key and click once on each pumpkin image. This selects all three images for the next step.

pumpkin images selected

Use the border-color picker and set the border to transparent.

border set to transparent

Go to the menu and click Arrange. Use the Align option and select Center. This aligns the images to the center.

align images to center

Go back to the menu and select Arrange again. Go to the distribute option and select vertically.

distribute images vertically

Text boxes

Use the text box tool and place a text box next to the first pumpkin.

text box

Click the Format options button. Go to the Size & Rotation section. Set the width to 6.3 and the height to 1 inch.

width and height options

Click the background color tool; select the same orange we’ve been using.

color tool picker

Go back to the background color tool and choose Custom.

custom color option

Move the transparency slider to the left. Move it so it’s just above the letter ‘o’ in OK. Click the OK button.

transparency slider

Place a checkmark on the drop shadow option. The option is in the Format options panel.

drop shadow option

Go to the menu and click Edit; choose the duplicate option.

duplicate menu option

Use the vertical and horizontal options to align the duplicate with the previous text box.

alignment guides

Duplicate this text box and move it next to the last pumpkin image.

three text boxes aligned

Remaining images

Get the donut chart and move it below the last text box.

donut chart image

When you let go of the chart it will look like it disappeared; it didn’t. Images are placed on invisible layers. The donut chart is in one of the first layers so it is below the background image. We need to bring the image to the top layer.

chart image not visible

Click Arrange and move to the Order option; select bring to front.

order and bring to front

Bring the images I placed on the right side of the canvas and place them on either side of the donut chart. Use the Order tool to bring the images to the front. Resize the scarecrow image so it fits.

clipart images next to chart

Select each image and add a drop shadow. 

clipart images with a drop shadow

The infographic design is complete. Fill in the text boxes with three facts about Halloween. 

three text boxes with text

Lesson ideas

Infographics are versatile. Instead of facts, we can use it for other Halloween topics. Here are some examples. 

Halloween short stories. Students write three short Halloween stories.

Halloween memories: Students write three Halloween memories. They can also write one long memory —each box represents a paragraph.

Halloween family: Students write a short story about a member of their family during Halloween. 

Halloween poems are another option.

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Crossword puzzles with Google Sheets

In this lesson, we are creating a crossword puzzle assignment in Google Sheets. We will use scripts to help us fill in the vocabulary in a crossword-style format. We will use some conditional formatting to help students know where the words go in the crossword puzzle. We will use Notes to provide reference information and clues for the words.

Google Sheets crossword puzzle generator

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In previous lessons, we learned how to create Word Search and Word Jumble puzzles. The links to those lessons are available below.

Word search puzzles:

Word jumble puzzles:

My students enjoyed word searches and word jumbles. Crossword puzzles too. These are all fun activities that engage students with the vocabulary. I gave them these assignments for homework or as filler activities. 

This lesson focuses on the creation of crossword puzzle exercises. We are using Google Sheets to create and distribute the crossword puzzle. 

I will show you how to create a template so you can easily create more puzzles and distribute them quickly. 

Use the link below to get a copy of the crossword puzzle template.

Template overview

I have done most of the work for you so we can focus on constructing the crossword puzzle. 

The grid is where we construct the crossword puzzle. 

crossword puzzle grid

The answers table is where students fill in the puzzle answers. 

answers table

The clues table is for students that need help. The clues are optional. The clue words are here for reference while constructing the puzzle.

word clues table

Code assistance

To construct the puzzle we need a formula with several parameters. The formula is available below. Let me explain what the formula does.

Three functions are part of the formula. I will begin with the inter most function and work outward.

The REGEXREPLACE function takes the word entered by students and adds a comma between each letter. This comma is used by the next function. The SPLIT function looks for the comma between each letter. It uses the comma to separate each letter and place it on a different cell. 

The IFERROR function corrects a warning. The other functions report a warning when there is nothing to replace or split. The formula will have nothing to spit until students enter a word. The IFERROR function hides the error message.

The formula needs a word to split. The location of the word is referenced in a cell. The formula is looking in cell S4. It's right after the ampersand(&) in the formula. This cell reference is updated for each word.

I am NOT going to make you type this formula for each word in the puzzle. I have some helpful code to help with that process.

=iferror(SPLIT(REGEXREPLACE("" & S4,"(\w)", "$1,"), ","),"")

Helpful code

The template includes code to help construct the puzzle.

Go to the menu and click Tools. Select the Script editor option.

script editor option

A tab opens to the right of the sheet. The tab contains code. I have developed this code to make the process easier. The code is not working now because it has been commented out. The two forward slashes(//) at the beginning of each line are comment characters. The slashes tell Google Apps Script not to run the code. 

Comment code is used to provide information about code. The first lines of the code are comments from me about the code below.

commented code

We need to enable the code. Select the code from line 8 to line 25.

selected code

Go to the menu and click Edit. Select the Toggle comment option.

toggle comment option

The code is uncommented. The code has words of different colors. This indicates that the editor recognizes the words as code.

code without comment marks

Click the Save button.

save button icon

We can’t run the code yet. We need to give the code permission to make changes to the spreadsheet.

Click the function selector. Choose the first function. This function loads a Crossword menu when the spreadsheet opens. I created this menu to make things easier.

onOpen function selected

Click the Run button.

run button

An alert box opens. Click the Review permissions button.

review permission button

You are prompted to select the Google account for the spreadsheet. Click on your account.

google account selection

A message opens to warn us that the app isn’t verified. Verified apps are available through the Google Apps store. The script here isn’t verified through Google. This is why you are getting this message. 

I go through the code in more detail at the bottom of the page. 

I demonstrated the code and what it does. You can verify that it does what I outlined. As long as you are using the template from the link on my site. The code is not meant to cause any harm. The code is available at the bottom of this document. Please verify it before proceeding with the next step.

Click the Advanced link.

advanced link

Click the link that reads "Go to puzzle(unsafe)".

unsafe link

An authorization page opens with information about the script access. The top portion identifies what the code might be able to do. The puzzle code will edit the contents of this spreadsheet only. 

It will NOT edit, create, or delete any other spreadsheets on your Google Drive.

account access information page

Click the Allow button.

allow button

The authorization page closes. You are returned to the Google Sheets crossword puzzle template. The Crossword menu option is added. It appears next to the Help menu option.

crossword menu in spreadsheet

Click the Crossword menu. The menu has two options. They are Across and Down. Don’t select any of the menu options yet.

crossword menu options across and down

Type the word Saturn in the answers table. This will be number 1-across.

word in answer table for 1 across

Click once on cell D4. It can be any cell you want. As long as there is enough room for the letters of the word to go across or down.

cell selected in grid

Go to the Crossword menu. Select the Across option.

across crossword menu option

Each function in the script needs to be verified before it is allowed to make changes to the current sheet once. You only need to verify each once. Click the continue button. Follow the same steps from earlier to authorize the script.

authorization required message

The script needed your authorization before it did anything on the sheet. The script doesn’t run the first time. It runs only after you provide authorization. 

Go back to the Crossword menu and select Across.

The word Saturn appears in the grid. The letter S begins on the cell we selected. The rest of the letters appear to the right. One letter in each cell.

saturn spelled across cells in grid

The code from the script appears in the Formula bar.

formula in formula bar

The cell reference in the formula is orange and points to cell S4. Cell S4 contains the word Saturn.

reference cell S4 for word in answer table

Type the word Venus in the table for 1 Down.

Venus in table for 1 down

Go to cell E6. Click once a cell below the word Saturn. Go to the Crossword menu and select Down.

Venus spell down the crossword grid

The first two are easy. I set them up to be easy. I set the cell reference for S4 and U4 by default. The rest aren’t much harder.

Type the word Jupiter going across for number 2.

Jupiter in answer table for 2 across

Click on an empty cell in the grid. Make sure there is enough space for the word to fit within the grid going across. 

Go to the Crossword menu and select Across. The word Saturn appears in the puzzle. The formula automatically points to cell S4.

Saturn spelled out across grid

Go to the Formula bar. Change the reference from S4 to S5. Press the Return key or click outside the Formula bar.

updated cell reference to S5

The word updates to match the word for 2 across.

Jupiter in crossword grid across

One more together. Type Earth for 2 Down. Click on cell C5. Use the Crossword menu and select Down. Change the cell reference in the Formula bar. The cell reference is U5.

Earth in grid going down

Adding more words is just this simple. 


Before we go on I would like to take a step back. I want to preview how the puzzle will eventually work. Erase the words in the Answers table.

no words in answer table

The words in the puzzle grid are removed automatically.

words are gone from grid

Type the word Saturn in the Answer table for 1 Across. Press the Return key or click on another cell. The word Saturn appears in the puzzle grid.

Type Jupiter in 2 Across. Type the wordS for Down into the table. Those words appear in the puzzle too. 

Fill out the puzzle with the rest of the words.

The Clues

Crossword puzzles need clues. They also need numbers. Click on the letter S for Saturn. 

Go to the menu and click Insert.

Insert menu option

Select the Note option. The Note option has a Shortcut key option. The combination is Shift+F2. I recommend using this combination. It helps things go faster.

Note option

A note box opens next to the cell.

a blank note next to the cell

Type “1 Across: This planet has rings. It is the farthest planet that can be seen with the naked eye.”

not filled with the clue information

Click on the cell for the letter E of Earth. Insert a note and type the information below.

2 Down: This is our home planet. The Big Blue marble.

clue information in a note for Earth

Go to the letter V for Venus. Enter this information in a note.

1 Down: This is the second planet from the sun. It is the hottest planet in the solar system.

Note with information for Venus clue

Use this note for Jupiter.

2 Across: This is the largest planet in the solar system. Come up with your own clues for the rest of the planets. I have my clues available below if you want to use them.

Preview so far

Erase the words in the table. Move your mouse over a cell with the black triangle.

note appears when over triangle

Enter the word for each clue in the Answer Table.

Use the rest of the words. Place them in the answer box. I only formatted the first three rows. I didn’t want you to think the puzzle entries had to be uniform. There are more words across than down.

table with missing borders

Select the numbers and words for across and down. 

cells in table selected

Click the Border format tool. Click the color picker and choose dark gray 1.

color selected from palette

Click the all borders option.

all borders option


The puzzle by itself is plain. Regular crossword puzzles outline where the words go and how many letters are needed. That’s what we’ll do next. 

Select the cells for the letters in the word Saturn.

cells for Saturn selected

Go to the menu and click Format. Select the Conditional formatting option.

conditional formatting option

The conditional formatting panel opens on the right. The formatting will be applied to the selected range. The formatting is applied if the cells are not empty. That is the condition that must be met. The selected cells are not empty. The cells for the word Saturn are green. That is the default cell fill condition.

conditional formatting information for selected cells

The color format is set in the formatting style section. 

formatting styles

Click the color background palette tool. Select the light green color. This is the color I prefer. Chose one that you want to use. Use light colors so the text is easy to read.

light green color selected

This isn’t the only range of cells we want to format. We want all the cells with words to change to green when students enter the answer. Click the range selection icon.

range selection icon

Click the Add another range button.

add another range button

The range input box is ready for us to enter a range. We can enter the range manually or use the mouse to select the range. Using the mouse is much easier.

empty range field

Select the cells in the word Earth.

cells for Earth selected

The range information is added to the input field.

range for Earth cells in second range field

Click the Add another range button. Add another set of cells to the range. Repeat this process until all the words are selected. Click the OK button to finish selecting the ranges. The ranges are combined and listed in the range field.

ranges from other cells

The formatting is applied to the selected cells. This is a preview before we save the conditional formatting rule.

cells with green background

Click the Done button to save the conditional formatting rule.

Done button

We want to apply formatting to the cells for words that are empty. This shows where the words go, the orientation, and the number of spaces for the word.

There is another way to select the cells for conditional formatting. Begin by selecting one word. 

cells for Saturn selected

The next step requires the use of a modifier key. Some people like to use modifier keys, others don't. Chrome and Windows users hold the Alt key down. Mac users hold the Command key down. Select the next range of cells while holding the modifier key.

I selected Saturn and Jupiter using the modifier key. Both sets of cells are selected. Keep holding the modifier key and select the other cells.

cells for Jupiter selected

The selected cells appear in a darker shade of green. This is due to the combination of the blue selection color and the green cell color.

all cells with words selected

Go to the conditional formatting rules panel. Click the Add another rule button.

add rule button

The selected cells are added to the range list. We need to change the condition for the rule.

ranges and is not empty rule

Click the condition selector. Select the condition — for when the cell is empty.

is empty rule selected

Click the cell color palette tool. Choose a light yellow. Click the Done button.

light yellow from color palette

We have two rules that apply to the same group of cells. One for when the cells are filled. One for when the cells are empty.

two active conditional formatting rules

I like to include one more color condition option. Let’s look at an example. The answer for 2 down is Earth. What if a student answers Mars instead of Earth. A yellow cell points out that a letter is missing.

conditional formatting colors difference

What if the student enters a longer word like Mercury. The letters extend outside the colored grid. The next conditional formatting will alert students to the mistake.

longer word not formatted

Select all the cells in the grid. Include the ones we already color-coded.

all cells selected in grid

Add another rule. Set the conditional color to red. Leave the formatting rule set at “is not empty”. Click the Done button.

The letters in Mercury that extend beyond the cell range are highlighted with red.

two cells for Mercury colored red

Conditional formatting works in layers. The condition for green filled in cells is before the condition for red filled in cells. This is why the cells for the letters in the word are not red.

We are done with the conditional formatting panel. Go ahead and close it.

Student distribution

This is your teacher's master. We need a copy for the students. Click File in the menu and select Make a copy.

make a copy option

Use “Solar System Crossword Puzzle - Student” for the file name. Click the OK button.

new document file name

Erase the answers in the answer table. Distribute the puzzle to students.

One more thing

I recommend adding instructions above the puzzle. A helpful reminder to students for where the answers are placed.

Puzzle instructions

Puzzle script

The first five lines provide information about the code. The code uses functions to execute instructions. The first function is called onOpen. The instructions in the function attach the Crossword menu to the spreadsheet each time the spreadsheet opens. It also adds the Across and Down menu items. 

Each menu item refers to the functions across and down. The first Across is the menu name. The across in lower case references the across function. The same is true for the down menu item. 

The across function gets the current spreadsheet and the current cell. It sets the formula inside the cell. The formula is within the open and close parenthesis. The same instructions are used for the down function. The formula for the down function includes the transpose function. It changes the letters from going across to going down.

// The code below is used to enter the long formula into cells.
// One formula is for words that go across.
// The other formula is for words that go down.
// The code creates a menu option.
// The menu options include across and down.
function onOpen() {
  var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
      .addItem('Across', 'across')
      .addItem('Down', 'down')
function across() {
   var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
spreadsheet.getCurrentCell().setFormula('=iferror(SPLIT(REGEXREPLACE("" & S4,"(\w)", "$1,"), ","),"")');
function down() {
  var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();  spreadsheet.getCurrentCell().setFormula('=iferror(TRANSPOSE(SPLIT(REGEXREPLACE("" & U4,"(\w)", "$1,"), ",")),"")');
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Elementary bar chart assignments with Google Sheets and Docs

In this lesson, we are creating an assignment generator for elementary age students. The generator uses emoji graphics to create a table of objects. Students use that table to create bar charts. Use the assignment generator to familiarize students with data and bar charts.

bar chart assignment generator with emoji graphics

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Reading and interpreting information from graphs is an important skill. This skill is often required on standardized tests. Students have a better understanding of data when they learn to construct the graphs themselves. My students had an easier time interpreting information from graphs when they had first-hand experience creating their own.

This lesson is designed as an introduction to bar graphs. The assignments generated here are ideal for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th-grade students.

This assignment generator selects images and places them into a table. Students count the images and construct a bar chart. Students answer questions based on the graph they construct.

Use the links below to get a preview and copy of the final product.

Bar chart assignment preview

Bar chart assignment copy

We are using Google Sheets to generate the assignments. The assignments are copied to a Google Doc and distributed to students. Use the links below to get a copy of the Google Sheet starter template.

Google Sheet starter template copy

Use the link below to get a copy of the Google Doc assignment template.

Google Doc assignment template copy

Graphic data

We need something for students to count. Pictures of objects is a good place to begin. The spreadsheet template has two sheets. The first sheet is titled Graph. The second sheet is titled Lists. Go over to the Lists sheet.

lists sheet tab

The Lists sheet has titles for birds, mammals, and bugs. Below each title is a series of numbers. Next to each number is the name of an animal.

We are using something called Unicodes. If you have seen some of my other lessons you have probably used Unicodes in math assignment generators. Unicodes represent a variety of characters. 

Some Unicode characters include emojis. Yes, emojis. Don't worry, they aren't all smilies and strange shapes. Many of them are useful for our purpose. The number, Unicode, next to the animal name is used to display the emoji.

image categories for emojis

Go to cell E2 and type the function below.


The CHAR function reads a Unicode value and interprets it into the symbol it represents. Instead of typing the number 129413, we refer to the number in cell C2. The image of an eagle is appearing in the preview. Press the Return key to complete and the function.

CHAR function in cell E2

Click back onto cell E2. Look for a blue square in the lower right corner of the cell. Click and drag that square down to match the row with the word rooster. 

The blue square copies or duplicates the contents of the original selected cell or cells.

duplicate function to cells below

These are the images generated by each Unicode value.

emoji characters of birds in column E

Generate previews of the mammals and bugs in the same way. Use CHAR(F2) for mammals and CHAR(I2) for bugs. Type CHAR(F2) in cell G2. Type CHAR(I2) in cell K2.

emojis for other characters displayed

These lists are the basis for the bar chart tables. Google sheets will select the animals from the list and randomly arrange them on a table.

The process for doing this is a little awkward so I want to demo the basics before we create the final table.

Go to cell A2 and type the function below.


This function gets the contents or reference from the selected cell. That cell is D2 in this example.

indirect function in cell A2

The content of the cell is the word eagle.

word eagle in cell A2

Double click on cell A2. Update the function with the information below.


indirect function updated with range values

This time all the values from the range are placed into cell A2 and fill the cells down the column as needed.

bird names listed in column A

We are using the range of values in each category to generate the table. Typing the range like this is inconvenient. I want to use something easier and more intuitive. We are going to use something called Named Ranges. This calls a range of values with a keyword.

Select the Unicode values for birds.

unicode values for birds selected

Go to the menu and click Data. Select the Named ranges option.

named ranges option selected

Use the panel on the right to provide a name for the selected range. Use birds for the name and click Done.

named range set to bird

Go back to cell A2 and double click the cell. Update the function using the information below. 


indirect function with birds range name

The Unicode for birds appears down the column. 

bird unicode values listed

Select the Unicode values for mammals. 

selected unicode values for mammals

The Named Ranges panel is still open. Click the Add a range button.

add range button

Use mammals for the range name. The range names are the same as the headings. They need to be identical for this process to work. This is done on purpose. Make sure to use the exact name and spelling. Click the Done button.

mammals named range

Highlight the Unicode values for bugs and create a named range. Use bugs for the name.

completed bugs name range

Return to cell A2. Replace the range name with B1. Don’t place B1 within quotation marks this time.

indirect function with cell reference

Nothing appears in cell A2 because there is nothing in cell B1.

the contents of the cell are empty

Type bugs in cell B1. Press the Return key. The Unicode values for bugs appear under the Selection heading. The Indirect function uses the range name bugs to populate the cells.

cell B2 selected

Change bugs to mammals.

updated name in cell with mammals

Any other name or value entered into cell B1 gives an error in cell A2. This is part of the reason the names in named ranges is important.

error in reference for indirect cell

Erase any value you entered into cell B1. 

Category selector

Switch to the Graph sheet.

switched to graph sheet

Go to cell A2. Go to the menu and click Data. Choose Data validation.

data validation option

Click the List range icon selector.

range icon selector

A select range dialogue box opens. Ignore this box for now.

select range input box

Click the Lists sheet.

lists sheet selection

Select the cells from C1 to I1. The information in the data range field appears as Lists!C1:I1. Click the OK button.

selected range in range input field

Click the option to reject other input. Click the Save button.

reject input option and save button

Go back to the Graph sheet. Cell A2 has a drop-down selector.

drop down selector in cell A2

The selector uses the headings we selected in the Lists sheet. The headings are the same names used in the Named ranges.

selector options with header titles

Select the column headers B and C. Hold the Shift key while clicking on each column header.

columns B and C selected

Click one of the Header action triangle.

header action triangle

Select the option to resize columns B-C.

option to resize columns B to C

Set the column size to 35. Click the OK button.

column size set to 35 pixels

Go to the Lists sheet. Select cell A2. Update the function information with the information below.


We are pointing the INDIRECT function to cell A2 in the Graph sheet. Indirect will look at the value in the cell and pull the values from the selected Named range.

indirect function parameter reference

You might get an Error message like my example. That’s OK.

reference error message in cell A2

Return to the Graph sheet and select one of the category options.

the category option selector

Return to the Lists sheet. The Unicode for the selected category is listed.

selection in column A with unicode characters

Return to the Graph sheet. Select cell D4. Enter the function below.


This uses the value in the Lists sheet and cell A2. Press the Return key.

char function with A2 lists cell reference

Use the category selector and choose a different category.

select birds category from selector

In my example, I chose bugs. A butterfly appears in the cell.

example with butterfly in cell

The first Unicode value appears in the cell for each category. We want a random image to appear each time. To get the random image we need to use a formula that is a little complex. Replace the function in cell D4 with the formula below.


The CHAR function has two embedded functions. The INDEX function returns the contents of a cell as a list. The cell is selected by the RANDBETWEEN function. It selects a cell between 1 and 5. The selected cells are numbered by the INDEX function. It chooses a cell between A2 and A6. A2 is the first cell, A3 the second, and A6 the 5th. These cells are in the Lists sheet.

Make sure you include the dollar symbols in the cell reference. This sets the cell reference to an absolute cell reference. This is important for the next steps.

char function with random function

Bugs is my chosen category. An ant appears in cell D4.

ant emoji in cell D4

Choose a different category. A random image from that category is placed in cell D4.

image of chicken in cell D4

Click on cell D4. Click and drag the blue square down five rows to row 8.

duplicate function and formula to cells in rows below

Keep the rows selected and drag the blue square to column H.

duplicate formula across to column H

We have a table with 5 rows and 5 columns. Each cell in the table has a random image from the category. Choose a different category and the images will update.

random images of birds in cells

Formatting the tables

The hard part is over. Now we begin the process of formatting the table for the assignment. We are going to change the row height to resize the emojis. Click the row header for row 4. Hold the Shift key and click the header for row 8. 

selected row headers

Right-click one of the row headers. Select the option to Resize rows 4-8.

resize rows option

Set the row height to 45 pixels. Click the OK button.

set size to 45 pixels

Use the font size selector to set the font to 24 points. The images are characters represented by a Unicode. Unicode characters are formatted like letters and numbers. 

font size set to 24 points

Use the text-alignment selector to center the cell contents.

center align option

Use the vertical-alignment selector to align the contents in the middle of the cells.

cell middle alignment option

The emojis are easier to see now.

larger emoji images

Deselect the rows and select the cells with the emojis only.

cells with emojis selected

Click the border formatting tool. Set the border color to a medium gray.

border selection to medium gray

Choose the all-borders option.

the all borders option

Select the row-headers for rows 10 to 20. We are skipping row 9.

selected row headers

Right-click one of the row headers. Select the option to resize rows 10-20. Set the size to 35 pixels.

row pixel height set to 35

Select the cells from D10 to H21. The cells in row 21 will hold the titles for each bar in the chart.

selected cells

Use the border configuration selector to set the same gray border around each cell. This table is used by students to create a bar-chart.

table borders set to grey

Use the cells in column C to number each row. Begin with row 20 and number 1. Number each row up until you reach 10 in row 11.

bottom table with borders

Select the cells with the numbers. Use the text-alignment option to center the text. Use the vertical-alignment option to set the alignment to the middle.

table cells numbered

Select the cells from D10 to H10.

selected cells

Click the merge cells button.

merge cells button

The bar chart generator and template is complete. We are ready to send this to a Google Doc for distribution to students.

More emojis

Before we do that, let's learn how to add more emoji characters. I used the website to get the Unicode. I like this site because it includes a visual of each Unicode emoji. Use the link below to get to the animal emoji page.

The page has a table with columns for the emoji and a name for the emoji.

characters and names

Other columns include the hexadecimal and decimal codes. Google Sheets uses the decimal code.

hexadecimal and decimal values

Only the numbers are used. The other characters are used with HTML code on web pages.

decimal numbers selected

Use the Emoji characters menu to select different emoji categories. 

animals and nature category

There are hundreds of emoji characters and codes. I collected most of these characters for you on the sheet. Return to the Google Sheet. Click the All Sheet selector. Select the emojis sheet.

select emojis sheet

The sheet has 521 emoji characters and codes.

categories list

New categories

Let’s add another set of images. Select five characters and codes. Include the code, emoji, and name column. Copy the selection.

selection of five characters with codes

Go to the Lists sheet. Click on cell L2 and paste.

amphibian characters

Type the word marine for the header. We are using one name header. This is necessary because Named ranges cannot have spaces in the name. I chose marine but you can choose amphibian.

marine title

Select the codes in column L.

marine codes selected

Go to the menu and select Data. Select the Named ranges option. Set the name of the range to marine. Click the Done button.

Important note. Range names cannot have spaces. This is why I chose one word for the range name and category. The category and range name have to be identical! I know that I am repeating but this is important.

marine range name

Go to the Graph sheet. The marine category is not part of the selector. We need to add it.

Select cell A2.

category selector

Go to the menu and click Data. Select the Data validation option. Click the sheet selector in the validation configuration box.

range selector icon

The selection for the category names begins on cell C1 and extends to cell I1. We need to extend the range to cell L1. 

We don’t want to keep updating the range every time a new category is added. We want the name added automatically. To do this we instruct the range to begin on cell C1 and look at every cell to the right of it. Replace the letter I with Z. Z is the last column in the sheet. The updated range looks like the range shown below. Click the OK button.


list range in range field

Leave all the other options the same. Click the Save button.

range and save button

Click the category selector and choose marine.

Update emoji information

I see a dragon on my table. We can fix this with ease.

marine emojis table

Return to the emoji sheet. Select a marine animal code. Copy the information.

unicode information for whale

Paste the information over the dragon information in the Lists sheet.

pasted whale information

Return to the Graph sheet. The dragon is replaced by the whale emoji.

updated marine emoji table

Make your lists

You don't have to go with the categories or lists as they are on the sheet. Create your own by copying and pasting different codes. I created a food category with a mix of food from different categories.

foods category

The category appears automatically in the category selector.

foods category selected

Now I have images for a food graph.

food graph table

Replace categories

You don’t need to use the categories I created. Replace these categories with your own. In this example, I replaced the bugs category with fruit.

fruit category

Update the range name before using the category. Go to the menu and select the Named ranges option. Click the pencil icon next to the old category. In this example, that is bugs.

bugs range name

Update the name and click the Done button.

Google docs assignment

I created a template for you to use with the generator. Use this or your own. I have placed the link below for your convenience.

Google Doc template copy

The template includes header information. The header includes the assignment title and brief instructions. The template is set up to use the legal document page format. This provides more room for questions and student responses. 

google doc assignment header information

Return to the Google Sheets tab. Click view and select Gridlines. This hides the Gridlines on the sheet.

gridlines option

Select the images and bar chart tables. Make sure to include the column with the numbers. Copy the selection.

selection of table in google doc

Return to the Google Docs tab. Paste the selection. Select Paste unlined when prompted.

paste unlinked

We need some final adjustments.

top portion of emoji table

Students use the top row for the chart title. You can include this before distribution.

heading for bar chart

Use the bottom cells for the item titles. You can include them but I prefer students to add this information themselves.

heading titles for bar chart bars

How it works

Students count the number of matching items. The table has 2 burgers. Students select cells 1 and 2 in the burgers column.

cells for 1 and 2 selected

Click the cell background fill tool. Select a color. You may allow students to select their colors or you might want to designate the colors they need to use. Students like to choose their colors but they often spend too much time doing this step.

orange color selected

The cells are filled with the selected color.

cells 1 and 2 colored orange

Repeat the process for the other items.

colored bar charts

Chart questions

It is a good idea to include questions related to the chart. This is what students will typically do when they see charts on standardized tests.

questions based on chart data

Student version

This chart is your teacher's master with the answer key. Make a copy for student distribution. Go to the menu and click File. Select the option to make a copy.

make a copy option

Rename the copy for students.

rename document for students

Select the bar chart cells. Set the background color. Use transparent or white. Distribute this copy for the assignment.

transparent cell option from palette
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Fraction assignment generator for reducing fractions

In this lesson, we are creating a fraction assignment generator. This generator creates an assignment generator for reducing fractions. This assignment generator is an extension of the least common multiple and greatest common factor generator.

fraction assignment generator with google sheets - reducing fractions assignment

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Reducing fractions

Reducing fractions is important. This is a natural progression from Least Common Multiples and Greatest Common Factors. This generator focuses on creating assignments for students to practice reducing fractions.

Use the links below to see a preview of the final product and get a copy.

Reducing fractions assignment preview

Reducing fractions assignment copy

I have a spreadsheet template to get us started. It is formatted with the headings and columns we need. Use the link below to get a copy.

Reducing fractions spreadsheet lesson template

The template

The left side of the generator has place holders for the numerator and denominator variables. We will call on these variable numbers using a function. There is a smaller table with a multiplier. This multiplier helps create the fractions that need to be reduced.

google sheet template range values

The right side of the template is where the generator is created.

headings for numerator and denominator

Numerators and denominators 

Open the Google Sheet and click on cell F2. Type the function below into the cell and press the Return key. 

The RANDBETWEEN function selects a random number between a lower and an upper number. These numbers are usually entered directly into the function. Our function gets the values from the cell variables in A3 and B3. We will update these numbers later and the function will select a number from the new values.


rand between function with absolute cell reference

The cell has a random number chosen from the range 1 to 5. Click back on cell F2. Look for the blue square in the lower right corner. Click and drag that square down to row 11. 

duplicate formula option

The function is copied down the column to row 11. 

fraction assignment generator lesson image 18.jpeg

Go to cell G2 and type the function below.


RANDBETWEEN function in cell G2

Press the Return key to save the function. Double click the blue square. The blue square uses the values in the column on the left as a guide. Each value on the cell to the left is used as a reference. The copy process stops when it doesn't encounter values in the left cell.

random values in column G

Go to cell H2. This is where we will create the template to be used in assignments. Type the formula below.

=F2&”/“&G2&” = “

division operation with concatenation of values

The formula is doing several things. The numbers in cells F2 and G2 are being referenced. The ampersand is used to connect cells and text. They are Concatenating the number in cell F2 with a forward slash and the number in cell G2. This creates a fraction. 

We need to use the ampersands because the forward-slash by itself would be used to perform the operation. You will see this in the next step.

Double click the blue square to copy the formula down the column.

values concatenated into the problem column

Go to cell I2 and type the formula below.


division formula in cell I2

Copy the formula down the column. We didn’t use the concatenation and quotation marks here. The forward slash divides the numerator by the denominator.

The answers are calculated as decimals. We need to get answers in fraction form. Select all the answers in the column.

division answer in decimal format

Go to the menu and click Format. Go to the More formats option. Select Custom number format.

format and more format options

Click inside the Custom format box. Type the format below.

_# ??/??

custom fraction format

Click the Apply button.

We have a variety of answers. Some of the answers are improper fractions.

decimals changed to fraction format

Go to the numerator and denominator configuration section. Set the range of the numerators from 1 to 5. Set the range of the denominators from 6 to 9. This forces all our fractions to be proper fractions.

updated low and high range values

We want sets of problems where students reduce fractions. To create these fractions we increase the values for the numerator and denominator. Change the values in the denominator. Try 5 for the lower and 9 for the upper. Change the values in the denominator. Try 10 for the lower and 20 for the upper. 

higher low and upper range values

This doesn’t give us too many fractions that need to be reduced.

few fractions that need to be reduced

We need a multiplier for the numerator and denominator. 

Click on cell F2 then go to the Formula bar. It’s easier to edit a long formula using the formula bar.

Update the formula so it looks like the one below.


This function multiplies a random number into the random number generated for the numerator. The values for the random number come from the multiplier table. The table has a lower value of 2 and an upper value of 5. 

updated low and high range numbers for numerator

Update the cells down the column with this change. We can’t double click the blue square to copy the update down the column. We need to drag the blue square down toward the last cell.

Double click on cell G2. Update the formula with the one below. It performs the same function for the denominator.


updated denominator lower and upper values

Copy the updated formula to the cells down the column. Drag the blue square down to the last cell.

Change the numerator and denominator range values. Set them to something lower. I went back to 2 and 5 for the numerator. I used 6 and 9 for the denominator.

updated numerator and denominator range values

We have fractions for students to reduce.

more fractions that need to be reduced

Select the cells with the answers. Use the alignment selector to align the answers to the left.

left align option

Select the cells with the problems. Use the alignment selector to align the problems to the right.

selection of fraction problems

Google doc assignment

I have a Google Doc assignment template for you. Use the link below to get a copy. Use this template or create your own Google Doc for the assignment.

Google Doc reducing fractions template

Open the template or create a new Google Doc and return to the reducing fractions generator. Select the cells with the problems and answers. Don’t select the headings. Copy the contents to memory.

problems and answers selected

Switch to the Google Docs tab. Click Edit and select Paste. Select the option to Paste unlinked.

paste unlinked option

Right-click on the top-left cell. Select — Insert column left.

insert column left

Drag the left column border to the center of the first column.

drag left column border

Select the second and third columns.

second and third columns selected

Right-click one of the selected columns. Choose the option to distribute columns.

distribute column option

Number the problems from 1 to 10 down the first column. I recommend using a closing parenthesis after the number. This helps avoid confusion with the numbering and the problems.

numbered columns

Select the border between the problems and answers. Nudge the border to the left.

resize problem column

Select all the cells in the table. Set the font size to 14 points. Use the border-color tool to select a very light color. The table border should not be a distraction.

color picker from palette

Student copy

This is your teacher's master. Make a copy for student distribution. Go to the menu and click File. Select the option to make a copy.

make a copy option

Rename the copy as a student assignment.

renamed copy for students

Select the column with the answers. Press the Delete key to erase the answers. Distribute this copy to students.

finished problems for students
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Basic math problem generator with Google Sheets

In this lesson, we are creating a math assignment generator. We are using Google Sheets to generate math problems. The math problems include basics like addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication. The problems are copied to a Google Doc and formatted for distribution to students.

math problem generator with Google Sheets


Practice assignments are important when learning a concept. Practicing problems helps students hone their skills and understanding. There was a time when worksheets were used to drill students on skills. This eventually was overdone because teachers used them for everything. Worksheets were termed drill and kill. 

Practice assignments apply skills repeatedly. It is similar to developing muscle memory. In this case, they are developing mental or skills memory. Skills memory is important for standardized assessments.

Students quickly forget skills and concepts if they are glanced over without enforcement. For example, if we cover fractions at the beginning of the year and never return to them, students forget. Skills should be revisited regularly in a variety of contexts. 

Repeated assignments help teachers evaluate the formation and retention of skills.

In this lesson, we will create a spreadsheet in Google Sheets to generate math practice assignments. The template is built around the basics. Those basics include addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

The generated assignments are transferred to a Google Sheet for distribution to students.

If you like this lesson please consider purchasing a PDF version. The purchase lets me know you like the lesson and it supports my efforts.

Purchase a printable PDF version of this lesson ($5.00)

Links to the finished products are available below. 

Preview and copy of the finished product(addition)
Preview and copy of the finished product(subtraction)
Preview and copy of the finished product(multiplication)
Preview and copy of the finished product(division)

Google Sheet Generator

Go to your Google Drive and create a folder to store the generator. Here is an example of what I do. I create an assignment folder. The assignment folder has a math folder. In that folder, I have my generator. This folder has folders for the eventual products created with the generator.

addition folder selected in math folder

Create a spreadsheet. Set the name of the Sheet to Basic Math Generator.

name of google document set to basic math generator

The generator uses a function called RANDBETWEEN. This function selects a random number from a provided range. The range has a lower number and an upper number. 

Type the title Addend 1 in cell A1. Type the title Addend 2 in cell C1. Type the titles High and Low in cells A2 and B2. Type the same titles in cells C2 and D2. Type the number 5 in cell A3 and the number 1 in cell B3. Type the same numbers in cells C3 and D3. We will begin with these numbers for our range.

google sheet with headings

Select cells A1 and B1.

cells A1 and B1 selected

Go to the button bar and click the merge button.

merge cells button

Repeat the process to merge cells C1 and D1.

cells C1 and D1 merged

Select the cells between A1 and D3.

cells A1 to D3 selected

Go to the button bar and click the alignment selector. Choose the center align option.

center align option

Change the font size to 12. Click the background selector tool. Select a light color.

light blue color selected from color palette

Select cells A3 to D3. Change the background color. Use a color that compliments the first. I have chosen a light blue and orange. This makes the generator useful and pleasant to use. 

color formatting applied to table

Click the letter E for column E.

column E selected

Click the border selector. Choose the left border option. Don’t move away from the selector yet.

left border option selected

Click the border thickness option. Choose the third option.

border thickness option selected

Type the titles Problem #, Addend 1, Addend 2, Problem and Sum in cells E1, F1, G1, H1, and I1. Set the font size to 12. Change the background of the cells. Use a light color. I choose a light green.

light green color for headings

Type the numbers 1 through 20 down column E. Begin in cell E2.

problems numbered 1 to 20 in column E

Go to cell F2 and type the function below. The function selects a random number between the numbers in cells A3 and B3. The lowest number must be first. This is why the first cell reference points to B3. The dollar symbols set the cell reference to an absolute cell reference. Press the Return key to set the function.


RANDBETWEEN function in cell F2

The number generated in my example appears in cell F2. Go back to cell F2. Look for the blue square in the lower right corner. Double click this square.

random number in cell F2

This copies the function down the column. This option works because there is content in the left column. It will copy the function as long as it encounters content in the left column. The copy process ends at number 20. 

function copied to last numbered cell

Go to cell G2. Type the function below into the cell.


function entered into cell G2

Double click the blue square to copy this function down the column.

cell with blue square in lower left corner

Go to cell H2 and type the formula below.

=F2&” + “&G2&” = “

formula entered into cell H2

I refer to formula and function. A function has one purpose. A formula is a combination of functions and operations.

F2 references the number in that cell. The ampersand is used to join, concatenate, two functions, or formula. We can't use the add symbol by itself. It would just add the contents of the cells together. The quotation marks set the add symbol as text. There is space between the add symbol to make the problem easier to read. The Add symbol and space is concatenated with the number in cell G2. The equal sign with spaces is concatenated with G2.

Double click the blue square to copy the formula down the column.

the formula copied to the other cells in the column

Change the high and low numbers to adjust the difficulty of the problems. Use single or double digits. There is no limit. Use numbers of any size.

ranges updated for addend 1 and addend 2

Go to cell I2 and enter the formula below. Double click the blue square.


the formula added in cell I2

This is the basic addition problem generator. The rest of the generators are based on this one. 


Double click the Sheet 1 name. Change the name to Addition.

sheet renamed to addition

Click the actions triangle next to the sheet name.

action menu option for sheet

Select the Duplicate option.

duplicate option in action menu

Change the name of the duplicate sheet. Use Subtraction for the new name.

name updated on second sheet

Change the names of the columns for the number ranges. The column names are Minuend and Subtrahend.

heading names updated on subtraction sheet

Update the heading in the generator section. Replace Sum with Difference.

updated headings in problems section

Double click on H2. This places the cell in edit mode.

cell H2 in edit mode

Replace the addition symbol with the subtraction symbol. Press the Return key to update the formula.

operation symbol changed to minus

Click back onto cell H2. Drag the blue square down the column to update the rest of the cells. We can't double click the blue square this time.

updating cells in column H

Double click on cell I2. Change the addition to subtraction.

updating formula operation

Drag the blue square down the column to update the rest of the cells.

updating formula in cells below

Some of the answers are negative numbers.

subtraction problems with negative answers

To prevent negative numbers we need to change the range values. The range of values for the subtrahend must be smaller than those of the minuend.

larger minuend values and smaller subtrahend values


Make a duplicate of the subtraction sheet. Change the name of the duplicate to Multiplication.

multiplication sheet

Change the titles for the ranges. Use Multiplier and Multiplicand. You can also use Factor 1 and Factor 2.

updated headers in range section

Update the titles in the generator section. Replace Difference with Product.

updated headers in problem section

Double click cell H2. Replace the subtraction symbol with a letter x. Update the cells down the column.

update multiplication symbol

Double click cell I2. Change the subtraction operator with an asterisk. An asterisk is used to multiply values. Update the cells down the column.

update operator with asterisk for multiplication

That's all there is to the multiplication generator. 

Sometimes we need to transition from the letter x for multiplication to the Dot symbol. This is how to use the dot symbol for multiplication.

Double click H2. Replace the addition symbol and the quotation marks with CHAR(8901). Update the cells down the column.

=F2&" "&CHAR(8901)&" "&G2&" = "

formula with Unicode character function

CHAR is a function. It uses Unicode values to generate almost any symbol. Every symbol available to computers is represented with a Unicode value. The value for the Dot multiplication operator is 8901. The quotation marks between the ampersand are used to add space.

The link below has a nice page with a visual reference for several math Unicode values.

The dot symbol is in the Operators section. The value appears when we hover the mouse arrow over a symbol.

code for the Dot operator


Make a copy of the multiplication sheet. Change the name to Division. Update the titles for the ranges. The titles are Dividend and Divisor.

updated heading for ranges section

Update the titles on the Generator. Replace Product with Quotient.

updated headings in problems section

Double click on cell H2. Update the formula with the formula below.

=F2&" "&char(247)&" "&G2&" = "

This is the same format used to replace the x with the Dot symbol for multiplication. If you used the dot symbol all you need to do is replace the code with 247. Update the cells below.

updated formula with Unicode character function

Double click on cell I2. Replace the asterisk with the forward slash. Update the cells down the row.

updated operation for division

Most of the answers are in decimal format. Decimals are the remainder of the division problem. Remainders are often represented as fractions.

answers provided in decimal format


Click on cell J1. Type the title Fraction. Update the cell background color.

fraction heading with updated formatting

Click in cell J2. Type =I2. This copies the contents of cell I2 into cell J2. Copy the formula to the cells down the column. Hint: double click the blue square.

copy value from adjacent cell

Select all the cells below the Fraction title.

cells selected in fraction column

Click Format and go to the Number option.

the number format option

Go to the bottom of the Number format options. Select Custom number format from the More formats option.

custom number format option in menu

Type # ??/?? in the custom format bar. This builds a number format where a whole number replaces the # symbol. Decimal values are converted to fractions and formatted with ??/??. Each question mark represents a number. Click the Apply button.

custom number formatting for fraction

The answers are represented as fractions.

answers represented as fractions


Before students use fractions, they use remainders. Click on cell K1. Type Remainder for the title. Change the cell background color. Update the font size and center the title.

Remainder heading formatted to math the other headings

Type the formula below into cell K2. Copy the formula to the cells down the column.

=ROUNDDOWN(J2,0)&" R "&MOD(F2,G2)

rounding formula in cell K2

The ROUNDDOWN function rounds the decimal value. It gets the value in cell J2. The 0 is used for not decimal place value. We concatenate the letter R for the remainder within quotation marks. The MOD function is short for Modulus. Modulus determines the remainder in a division. To determine the remainder it needs to perform the division. It divides F2 by G2. 

answers with whole numbers and remainders

No Remainder

Most fractions have remainders. When students first learn division we avoid remainders. Division is usually taught along with multiplication. The relation of both operations is demonstrated with the back and forth of both operations.

Make a Duplicate of the Division sheet. Rename the sheet to Division No Remainders.

new sheet for problems without remainders

Double click cell F2. Add G2* after the equal sign. This multiplies the random number by the divisor. No remainders. Update the formulas down the column.

multiply the divisor by the dividend to eliminate remainders

There isn’t a need for the fraction or remainder column. Select both columns.

fraction and remainder column selected

Click the action triangle on one of the headers.

column action button

Select, Delete columns J-k.

delete the selected columns

The basic generators are complete. Let’s use them to create assignments.

Google Docs

Leave the generator sheet open. Go to Google Drive and create a new Google Document. Name the document Division with remainders 01.

google doc with document name applied

Go to the menu and select Insert. Go to Headers & footers. Select Header.

Header option

Type the title "Division with Remainders 01". Provide instructions below the title. Use the Title paragraph style for the title. Set the instructions font size to 14 points. Press the return key twice to add some space. Click on the body of the document to close the Header section.

heading in header section

Return to the math generator sheet. Select the regular Division sheet. Select the first ten problems. 

first ten problems selected

These are old problems. We can generate new problems on the sheet at any time. New problems are generated in several ways. They are generated when we open the spreadsheet when we refresh the page, and every minute through the settings. 

There is an option I prefer. Click on the first cell for the first problem. Click and drag the blue square down to the number of problems you want to regenerate.

updated cells to regenerate problems

This regenerates all the problems and selects the problems we want for the assignment.

updated problems

The answers are two columns over. To select the cells we need to use a modifier key. Windows and Chromebook users hold the Alt key. Mac users hold the Command key. Select the matching answers in the Remainder column.

Go to the menu. Click Edit and select Copy.

problems and remainder answers selected in separate columns

Go to the Google Document tab. Click Edit and select Paste without formatting. 

paste without formatting

Highlight the problems.

pasted problems highlighted

Change the font size to 18 points.

font size set to 18 points

Click the line spacing selector and choose Double.

double spacing option

Click the Numbered Bullet list option with parenthesis.

numbered bullet list option

Move the First line indent bar to the left. Stop when the indent is a 0.0. 

left indent option moved

Deselect the problems.

division problems and answers with remainders

This is your teacher's master. We need a copy for the students. Go to the menu and click File. Select the option to make a copy.

make a copy option

Remove the "Copy of" from the beginning of the name. Add "for students" at the end of the document name. Click the OK button.

updated document name

Delete the answers from the student version.

student version without answers

Repeat this process with any number of math assignments from the problem generator.

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