Customize Sway with Themes

Customize Microsoft Sway with themes

Themes and design

Presentations in Sway are theme-driven. The choice of colors and fonts is limited. This is done in part to reduce the amount of work that needs to be done to produce a polished presentation. A theme is selected for us during the creation of a sway.

In the previous lesson, we created a presentation on the exploration of Mars. The theme for the project is based on the images. The theme for this project is nice but I would like something different. Go to the button bar and click Edit.

edit basic theme

Click the Design tab.

storyline and design tab

Click the Styles button.

theme styles option

The first option in the Styles panel is the display format. This Sway is set to display the information horizontally. Users will swipe left and right to view the presentation. The vertical option displays content like a traditional web page. The Slides option presents content much like a traditional slide show. We’ll keep the horizontal option for now.

presentation information display options

There are several thumbnail samples of themes. Each sample includes a variety of colors, styles, and fonts. Click the first theme thumbnail.

Theme thumbnail options

The Sway project updates to match the theme we selected. This theme changes everything to black and white. I'd like to keep the color of the images.

display presentation with black and white theme

I’ll select the next theme thumbnail. This restores the image colors.

select a theme option with color

There are other ways to customize the presentation design. Click the Customize button.

Theme customize options

Sway uses images in the project for a color palette. The curated palette can’t be changed. Click on one of the other image thumbnails. I’ll click on the mars rover thumbnail.

color inspiration options with image

The color palette options update with suggestions. I’ll click the dark color option in the extreme right.

color palette options in theme

The image gets a little darker and the background for the text gets darker too.

view of applied theme and color options

That’s too dark. I’ll select a lighter option.

lighter theme option

There are a few font options. Click the font choices selector.

theme font options

Select a font option. See how it looks in the project. Select another until you find one that works.

selecting a font

This is looking much better. Click the Play button to preview the project.

preview theme with new font

It’s looking much better. I would like to keep the images separate. To keep them separate we need to change the presentation mode.

theme with combined images

Click the Edit button.

Edit the presentation content

Click the Back button.

exit the selected style

Click the Slides option and preview the project.

slides option for preview

The rover image is all by itself on the first card.

Mars rover image on the main slide

Use the navigation controls to move between cards.

presentation navigation controls

The images look very nice. The text on the cards is a little too plain.

text on slide cards

Click the Edit button. The button bar might disappear when previewing. Move the mouse pointer to the top right so it reappears. Click back on the Storyline section.

editing in the Storyline

Click the triangle to reveal the contents for Galileo.

contents in Galileo card revealed

Click inside the first text card. Select all the text in the card. Click the Emphasis option.

Emphasize the text

Repeat the process for text on the next card.

emphasize the text in the next card

Click the play preview button. Navigate to the text card. The text looks nice but it is still lacking something. Go back to edit mode.

preview of content with emphasized text

The text cards are on their own. We can group text cards with images to add interest. Add an image card below the second text box. Add an image of Galileo to the card. Make sure to include a caption.

image of Galileo and a caption

Click the Play preview button and navigate to the information cards. The text from the cards appears to the left of the image. The image is on the right because it is the last card in the group. To place the image on the left side we need to move the image to the top of the current group.

image of Galileo with text on the left

This looks much nicer. Look at the rest of the project. The last two cards include the video and Mars facts. The Mars facts are on their own. They didn’t group with the video card. There is an option to force group cards. Go back into edit mode. Find the Mars video card. There is a box in the lower right corner of the card. Place a check in the box.

force group cards option

Go to the card with the Mars facts and place a check in that box too.

group Mars facts card

A group option becomes available on the text card above the text area. Click the Group button.

Group option for cards

The grouping places the cards to the left and right of each other. The Grid option arranges the cards from the top down then to the right. Leave the Automatic option selected. Click the Play preview button.

grip option to arrange cards

The video and text are placed next to each other.

Video and text on the same card

Formatting text

Our text needs some formatting. Go back into edit mode. Go to the Mars facts card.

format Mars information card

Click once in front of the first sentence and press the Return key once. This will move the text down. We will add a title to the top of the facts information. Type Mars Facts.

adding a title to the facts card

Highlight the Mars Facts text and click Emphasis.

Emphasize the title

Highlight the Mars Planet Profile text and emphasize it too.

emphasize second subtitle

Click the Play preview button. Click the Outline view button. The button is next to the navigation arrows.

presentation outline view option

Click the Mars thumbnail.

Sway outline view

Click the right navigation arrow to get to the video.

Mars video card with formatted text

These are some of the fundamentals. I use this for my introductory project with students. Students continue to add information from their research.


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Student presentations with Microsoft Sway