Victorian-era picture writing prompts 5
A fifth set of writing prompts with images of characters from the Victorian-era. Use the writing prompts when reading such books as Emma or Pride and Prejudice with students.
These Victorian-era picture writing prompts are excellent for those reading stories like Pride and Prejudice, Emma, or Sense and Sensibility. The activity includes four pages with an image of a male or female character. Students can write a story about the character on one page or combine pages to create stories with two or more characters. The activity includes a set of writing prompts with color images and a set with black and white images for those who don't have access to a color printer.
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Victorian-era picture writing prompts 4
A fourth set of writing prompts with images of characters from the Victorian-era. This set includes couples. Use the writing prompts when reading books like Pride and Prejudice.
These Victorian-era picture writing prompts are excellent for those reading stories like Pride and Prejudice, Emma, or Sense and Sensibility. The activity includes four pages with an image of a male or female character. Students can write a story about the character on one page or combine pages to create stories with two or more characters. The activity includes a set of writing prompts with color images and a set with black and white images for those who don't have access to a color printer.
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Victorian-era picture writing prompts 3
A third set of writing prompts with images of characters from the Victorian-era. More images of female and male characters. Use the writing prompts when reading such books as Emma or Pride and Prejudice.
Victorian-era picture writing prompt image with two girls and a man.
These Victorian-era picture writing prompts are excellent for those reading stories like Pride and Prejudice, Emma, or Sense and Sensibility. The activity includes four pages with an image of a male or female character. Students can write a story about the character on one page or combine pages to create stories with two or more characters. The activity includes a set of writing prompts with color images and a set with black and white images for those who don't have access to a color printer.
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Victorian-era picture writing prompts 2
These Victorian-era picture writing prompts are excellent for those reading stories like Pride and Prejudice, Emma, or Sense and Sensibility. The activity includes four pages with an image of a male or female character.
Victorian-era picture writin prompts
These Victorian-era picture writing prompts are excellent for those reading stories like Pride and Prejudice, Emma, or Sense and Sensibility. The activity includes four pages with an image of a male or female character. Students can write a story about the character on one page or combine pages to create stories with two or more characters. The activity includes a set of writing prompts with color images and a set with black and white images for those who don't have access to a color printer.
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Victorian-era picture writing prompts
These Victorian-era picture writing prompts are excellent for those reading stories like Pride and Prejudice, Emma, or Sense and Sensibility. The activity includes four pages with an image of a male or female character. Students can write a story about the character on one page or combine pages to create stories with two or more characters. The activity includes a set of writing prompts with color images and a set with black and white images for those who don't have access to a color printer.
These Victorian-era picture writing prompts are excellent for those reading stories like Pride and Prejudice, Emma, or Sense and Sensibility. The activity includes four pages with an image of a male or female character. Students can write a story about the character on one page or combine pages to create stories with two or more characters. The activity includes a set of writing prompts with color images and a set with black and white images for those who don't have access to a color printer.
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Little Red Riding Hood picture prompts 2
These writing prompts tie in with the classic story of Little Red Riding Hood. There are four separate writing pages with a different image on each. Each image is useful for a story on its own or the images can be combined to create more elaborate stories.
The activity comes with a set of four pages in color and four pages in black and white for those who don't have a color printer. The activity includes 10 writing prompts that can be used with the stories or for students who need more help getting started. There is a vocabulary page with 50 vocabulary words. These words are useful as components for the story or to spark ideas for their stories.
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Little Red Riding Hood picture writing prompts
These writing prompts tie in with the classic story of Little Red Riding Hood. There are four separate writing pages with a different image on each. Each image is useful for a story on its own or the images can be combined to create more elaborate stories.
These writing prompts tie in with the classic story of Little Red Riding Hood. There are four separate writing pages with a different image on each. Each image is useful for a story on its own or the images can be combined to create more elaborate stories.
The activity comes with a set of four pages in color and four pages in black and white for those who don't have a color printer. The activity includes 10 writing prompts that can be used with the stories or for students who need more help getting started. There is a vocabulary page with 50 vocabulary words. These words are useful as components for the story or to spark ideas for their stories.
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Steampunk picture writing prompt activity 2
These picture writing prompt activity sheets come with four different writing prompt pages. Each page includes four images of characters. One of the images represents the primary character in the story and appears at the top of the page. The other images are at the bottom of the page.
Another set of steampunk picture writing prompts for your classroom.
These picture writing prompt activity sheets come with four different writing prompt pages. Each page includes four images of characters. One of the images represents the primary character in the story and appears at the top of the page. The other images are at the bottom of the page.
The activity comes with a list of possible scene settings and descriptions to help students who are not familiar with the Steampunk genre.
Steampunk is a subgenre of science fiction and comes with its own set of concepts and vocabulary. The package comes with a list of thirty steampunk vocabulary words. This list is useful when creating a story with the characters. Each word is accompanied by a definition and a sample sentence that uses the word.
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Steampunk picture writing prompts
Picture writing prompt activity sheets come with four different writing prompt pages. Each page includes four images of characters. One of the images represents the primary character in the story and appears at the top of the page.
These picture writing prompt activity sheets come with four different writing prompt pages. Each page includes four images of characters. One of the images represents the primary character in the story and appears at the top of the page. The other images are at the bottom of the page.
The activity comes with a list of possible scene settings and descriptions to help students who are not familiar with the Steampunk genre.
Steampunk is a subgenre of science fiction and comes with its own set of concepts and vocabulary. The package comes with a list of thirty steampunk vocabulary words. This list is useful when creating a story with the characters. Each word is accompanied by a definition and a sample sentence that uses the word.
The activity set is available for purchase on Teachers Pay Teachers or on Etsy. Use the links below to purchase the activity or download sample pages.
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Cute Zombie Halloween Writing Prompt Activity
Use these cute picture writing prompt activities to stimulate your student’s imagination during the Halloween season. There are five activity pages. Each page includes five character images. One image appears prominently at the top of the page as the principal character of the story.
Cute zombie picture writing prompt to stimulate student’s imagination during the Halloween season. There are five activity pages. Each page includes four character images. One image appears prominently at the top of the page as the principal character.
The activity set includes a list of writing prompt story settings with a brief description. These are a great way to get students started on their zombie tales.
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