Google Suite sharing and collaboration

Explore ways to share documents for collaboration. This includes giving other users edit access. Edit access allows others to freely add and modify content. Google provides three options for sharing. The options include edit, view, and comment permissions. The edit permission is often used for collaboration. Edit permission gives that user the same options to change the document as the owner of the document.

Explore ways to share documents for collaboration. This includes giving other users edit access. Edit access allows others to freely add and modify content. Google provides three options for sharing. The options include edit, view, and comment permissions. The edit permission is often used for collaboration. Edit permission gives that user the same options to change the document as the owner of the document.

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Google Sheets Alex Google Sheets Alex

Google Sheets Vlookup fundamentals

All spreadsheets have a core set of functions. Functions are tools used to process tasks and manipulate data. We will be using the VLOOKUP function. The name stands for Vertical Lookup. The vertical refers to the column used to reference information. This function isn’t one known to may users of spreadsheets. It is useful for gathering and organizing data. It is often used to search through lots of information. We will use VLOOKUP to search a small list of information for a Fine Arts department.

All spreadsheets have a core set of functions. Functions are tools used to process tasks and manipulate data. We will be using the VLOOKUP function. The name stands for Vertical Lookup. The vertical refers to the column used to reference information. This function isn’t one known to may users of spreadsheets. It is useful for gathering and organizing data. It is often used to search through lots of information. We will use VLOOKUP to search a small list of information for a Fine Arts department.

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Electronics, Robotics Alex Electronics, Robotics Alex

Math and Science with mBot robot

Use the mBot and a simple piece of code. With one code block and at least one mBot we have the basic tools needed to teach motion, velocity, and acceleration. You will need at least one mBot and measuring tape.

Use the mBot and a simple piece of code. With one code block and at least one mBot we have the basic tools needed to teach motion, velocity, and acceleration. You will need an mBot and measuring tape.

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Science, Electronics Alex Science, Electronics Alex

Tinkercad Circuits

This issue reviews the assembly of a basic circuit with an LED and push button. We compare the use of a push-button and a switch in the same circuit. The lesson emphasizes how closed circuits work and the flow of current through a circuit. The circuit uses a resistor to limit the amount of current flowing through the LED. The resistor demonstrates how we limit the flow of current through a circuit.

This issue reviews the assembly of a basic circuit with an LED and push button. We compare the use of a push-button and a switch in the same circuit. The lesson emphasizes how closed circuits work and the flow of current through a circuit. The circuit uses a resistor to limit the amount of current flowing through the LED. The resistor demonstrates how we limit the flow of current through a circuit. Students understand that current is something that flows through a circuit event if we can’t see it flowing.

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Pragmatic Google Classroom

A major drawback to google classroom is that a classroom must be created every year and assignments must be re-created every year. As teachers, we don’t teach the same way each year but the materials and resources remain fairly consistent. It would be nice if we could refer to these resources without the need to re-create the classroom and assignments. A way to work around the limitations is to have a Google site that accompanies classroom assignments. It doesn't have to be a Google site, but a Google site provides ready access to resources that are probably already on your Google drive.

A major drawback to google classroom is that a classroom must be created every year and assignments must be re-created every year. As teachers, we don’t teach the same way each year but the materials and resources remain fairly consistent. It would be nice if we could refer to these resources without the need to re-create the classroom and assignments. A way to work around the limitations is to have a Google site that accompanies classroom assignments. It doesn't have to be a Google site, but a Google site provides ready access to resources that are probably already on your Google drive.

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Robotics, Science Alex Robotics, Science Alex

Use LEDs on the mBot to teach science concepts

On the mCore board, there are several LEDs. Some of them are used to provide status information. There is a small LED next to the power supply. There is an LED on the BlueTooth component. Below the mCore name are two sets of LED lights. One on the left and the other on the right. Each is a set of three LEDs. We will use these to learn and understand concepts related to light and color.

On the mCore board, there are several LEDs. Some of them are used to provide status information. There is a small LED next to the power supply. There is an LED on the BlueTooth component. Below the mCore name are two sets of LED lights. One on the left and the other on the right. Each is a set of three LEDs. We will use these to learn and understand concepts related to light and color.

Understanding how the human eye works will help understand the concepts behind how LEDs are used to display color. The human eye has two different types of cells to help detect and respond to light. These cells are called rods and cones. The rods work in very low light conditions. Cones work in brighter light conditions. The eye has about six-million cones and about 110 million rods.

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