Google Sheets Alex Google Sheets Alex

Google Sheets Vlookup fundamentals

All spreadsheets have a core set of functions. Functions are tools used to process tasks and manipulate data. We will be using the VLOOKUP function. The name stands for Vertical Lookup. The vertical refers to the column used to reference information. This function isn’t one known to may users of spreadsheets. It is useful for gathering and organizing data. It is often used to search through lots of information. We will use VLOOKUP to search a small list of information for a Fine Arts department.

All spreadsheets have a core set of functions. Functions are tools used to process tasks and manipulate data. We will be using the VLOOKUP function. The name stands for Vertical Lookup. The vertical refers to the column used to reference information. This function isn’t one known to may users of spreadsheets. It is useful for gathering and organizing data. It is often used to search through lots of information. We will use VLOOKUP to search a small list of information for a Fine Arts department.

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